“I’ve identified eight deals in the last year. Nothing prior to that.” Evan had meticulously checked every project Ray had been involved in. “Carstairs reported working with Martin on the Castaway Ridge project. Hanson dealt with Barry on Midland.” The list was long, all major multimillion-dollar deals. “And of course, there was Headley on La Verne. He worked with Drucker.”

The La Verne transaction had been Evan’s first discovery when he’d spoken with Headley, who’d offhandedly mentioned he’d never met Ray Passal, despite the fact that Ray’s signature was on the paperwork. He’d dealt exclusively with Drucker and was so impressed with the young sales guy’s abilities that he’d told Evan the man deserved a bonus. When Drucker was questioned, he’d said Passal had made him sign a contract the first day of his employment, splitting all commissions fifty-fifty with Ray because, supposedly, all the leads came from him. It was take it or leave it, sign or lose the job.

That was total bull. None of the Mavericks had ever approved such a contract. And the leads hadn’t come from Ray. He was a bully with a pen and an authority complex.

Which pushed all Will’s buttons.

Will had taken a short, fast ride in his Lamborghini Miura this morning to work out his tension before the confrontation, but his gut was still simmering with anger. He’d wanted to see Harper, drink in her sweet scent, steep himself in her like a balm. But he knew he couldn’t let her see him like that, all keyed up and ready to rumble. He couldn’t let her guess at the Road Warrior still lurking inside.

Yet somehow, just the thought of her eased the churning in him. Enough for him to breathe, to close his eyes a single moment, and feel the touch of her hand on his arm. And help him calm down enough to act rather than react.

“We’ll start with Headley, Drucker, and the La Verne deal,” he said.

Sebastian grinned, but it was a smile that promised retribution. “Since we’ve got a fox in the henhouse, let’s play cock of the walk with him.”

Will hit a button on the intercom, buzzing their executive assistant to usher Ray in. The man who entered was forty-five, but today he looked ten years older, his jowls sagging with the extra pounds he’d put on.

“Hey, Will.” His gaze jittered nervously around the room and up to Daniel’s face on the video screen. “I didn’t realize everyone would be here.”

“It’s an executive meeting. That means all of us.” Daniel hard-eyed the guy with a laser-sharp gaze.

“Sit,” Will commanded.

There was only one chair on the opposite side of the table. Sebastian had lowered it so that when Ray faced them, he looked like an overgrown kid in a child’s seat. He couldn’t even rest his elbows on the table.

“What’s up, guys?” Ray was trying for friendly, but Will could hear his fingernails tapping on the arm of his chair.

Will simply said, “La Verne.”

Evan opened a folder in front of him, withdrew a stapled sheaf of papers, and shot the package across the table. “The contract.”

Ray barely caught it before it hit him in the chest.

“Your signature is on the last page,” Daniel said, his crisp voice echoing out of the screen.

“Ah, yes,” Ray said slowly, hesitantly, his face reddening.

“And you took half the commission,” Matt added, specifically avoiding the word earned.

“Funny thing.” Will kept his tone mild. “Headley never talked to you. Only Drucker. And he was impressed with the kid.” He paused two beats. “He never even met with you.”

“Well, no, that’s, uh…” Ray started to splutter, then he sucked in a huge breath that made his shirt buttons look like they’d pop. “It’s how I train my people, hands on, right from the get-go. We strategize together. I write the sales script for them. I monitor their progress every step of the way. The only thing they do at this point is the talking.” He stopped to suck in another shirt-busting breath.

“Ray, I have to ask,” Sebastian drawled, leaning back in his chair, arms crossed. “Do we look stupid?”

“No,” Ray pushed out.

Matt waved a hand. “Why don’t we show him the other contract, Evan.”

“Sure thing.” Evan looked like a big cat ready to pounce on a lizard.

They hadn’t scripted the meeting, but the five of them had been together so long, they didn’t need a script. Right from the day they’d made their pact, they’d known exactly how to back each other up. Sebastian had gone to LA, where he’d founded a media empire, Matt and Evan had gone to college, Daniel had turned his contractor’s license into a billion-dollar home improvement kingdom, and Will had begun importing the right thing at just the right moment. But they’d all been there for one another with exactly what was needed right when it was needed.