Page 35 of Grumpy Boss in Love

“Fine. A block away from the office.” Elliot gave me one more annoyed look and then pressed the button for the fifth floor.

* * *

After one more swipe of the block to make sure there was no one from the office in sight, I slid into the back of Elliot’s tinted SUV. He watched me with knitted eyebrows and down-turned lips.

“Are we safe,AgentBennet? We’re not being followed by the enemy, are we?” The muscle in his jaw tightened. “Perhaps we should have worn disguises.”

“Oh, stop it, Elliot,” I said. “Sarcasm doesn't become you.”

Gabe made a sound suspiciously like a laugh, but he coughed to cover it. I gazed at the back of the driver’s head, wishing that I could see him crack a smile. He seemed like a nice man butgoodness, he was just as somber as his employer.

Elliot caught Gabe’s disguised laughter and glowered at the back of his head. He then pressed a button to send up the black partition. “There’s no need to be rude,” I told him. “I like Gabe.”

“He’s fifty-one,” Elliot growled.

I rolled my eyes. “I don’t like him likethat. And how do you know I’m not into older men?”

His gaze snapped to my face. “Are you?”

Pursing my lips, I embraced the heat spreading from my neck to my face. I suppose I was into older men because I was into Elliot… A fact that he didn’t need to know. “None of your business. And change of plans. I can’t do lunch.”

“What? Why?”

“Because I have to use half of my lunch hour to do something for Caroline.”

“Have the other interns’ lunch time been cut in half?”

No, but Elliot didn’t need to be privy to the fact that his marketing manager found every way to make my life difficult.

“I’m sure the CEO has way more important things to think about,” I told him with a tight smile. His gaze narrowed on me and I prompted, “Whatever business you have to discuss, you’d better get started. I only have about ten minutes.”

He shrugged. “Fine, this shouldn’t take long anyway.” He lowered the partition. “Gabe, forget the restaurant. Just park a few blocks up.”

Gabe nodded. “Yes, sir.”

As soon as we had privacy again. I turned to Elliot. “So, this business… Does it have anything to do with the emergency you canceled all your meetings for yesterday?”

Elliot frowned. “How do you know about that?”

“Simone mentioned it when we met up for a late lunch.”

“So you and my assistant are besties now? It seems you’ve graduated from the popular girl on campus to the popular girl at the office.”

I smirked. “What can I say? I’m just so darn lovable. Your IT guy joined us for lunch too. He said I’m a riot, and I’m the perfect company to brighten the gloomy days at the office.”

Elliot’s frown deepened. “Be careful. Being too loveable might get you into trouble around here,” he said darkly.

Was that a hint of jealousy I heard underlining his words or did I imagine it? “Are you warning me not to get close to people at the office, particularly the men? Because the IT guy, Michael, and I are just friends.”

I didn’t get a verbal response, just more of his brooding, which meant he was pissed. Look at me, getting to know Elliot Westwood. I should really stop doing that. “Never mind any of that. How can I help you?”

His shoulders, which had hiked up to his ears, relaxed when he glanced at me. “Yes, the favor I’m about to ask you does have to do with yesterday’s emergency.”

“Oh, a favor for the boss. That’s sure to get me lots of brownie points,” I teased. However, my smile dropped when he didn’t share in my amusement.

“I met with people I’m interested in doing business with. And that business requires me to do something… insane,” he sighed.

I studied him with growing suspicious because Elliot being cryptic and beating around the bush was weird. “So what do you need me for?”