There were a series of farewells to the marketing professor.
“See ya, Mr. Sinclair.”
“Thanks for a great year, Teach.”
“Looking forward to seeing you at graduation, Professor.”
Megan grabbed her bag and laptop and mouthed,I’ll wait outside.
Soon, the room was empty, leaving Mr. Sinclair and me in awkward silence. I’m guessing I was the only one stewing in the uneasiness though. He seemed his usual self, calm and… scowly. I eyed him warily because this was how my dream had started out… with us alone in the classroom. I had to get out of here. Fast.
Clearing my throat lightly, I gathered my things, all the while feeling as if I sat inches away from the sun. I just couldn’t shake that dream. I wasnotattracted to Elliot Sinclair. I didn’t do older, miserable pricks.
That dream had to be something psychological. Maybe I was having some sort of weird cerebral reaction to finally being free of Professor Sinclair. I chanced a glance up at him as I stuffed my books into my bag.
“Something on your mind?” I asked primly.
“The last class of the semester and you couldn’t keep your eyelids up. Why even bother coming to my class, Ruby?”
“There are over a hundred students in this class at any given time, yet you know my name so well,” I said as I stood.
Professor Sinclair frowned. With a quizzical look, he said, “Of course, I know the name of the student who’s never awake in my class.”
“No, I think you know it well because you hand-pickedmeout of the crowd to torment.”
“This again?”
Yes, this again. This wasn’t our first heated exchange about the way he picked on me.
“If you see me calling you out on your shortcomings as torment, then I feel sorry for you out there in the real world.”
“Shortcomings?I’ll have you know that I’m above average in every other class exceptyours. Maybe it’syouwho should be called out on your shortcomings. You know, the one where you consistently give me subpar grades because you don’t like me.”
“If that’s what you think, then why haven’t you made a report to the department chair?” he challenged. “I’d have no problem arguing my case, thereby showing you that every grade you’ve gotten from me is justifiable.”
I snorted. “There’s no need to worry about that or you at this point. When I walk out of this classroom today, I won’t be seeing you again.”Amen!For dramatic effect, I flipped my hair and said, “Sayonara, Professor, and good riddance.” With that, I brushed past him and stomped up the steps toward the exit.
“Good riddance indeed,” he hummed.
I stopped to glare at him over my shoulder. Elliot Sinclair deserved a proper tongue-lashing for trying to undermine my academic career. If ever there was a perfect time to let him have it, it was now when I didn’t have to worry about coming to class the next day to suffer the consequences of my actions. But what was the point? Like I said, he was already a part of my past. I was sure that I’d pass my finals, graduate, and move on.
Plus, I had a lucrative summer internship lined up at Westwood Collective, one of the biggest conglomerates in the world. My resume already looked good. Life was looking up, and I’d leave Professor Sinclair in the dust.
That thought perked me up, so I took a deep breath, exhaled my irritation, and sashayed out of my asshole professor’s life. I’d definitely cleanse my mind of that hot dream I had about him too.
Two weeks later…
This was the last place I wanted to be. I didn’t do clubs. I didn’t do social outings at all. Unfortunately, I had an annoyingly persistent cousin who claimed that I dangerously scaled the fence between being antisocial and a normal human.
Bullshit. I socialized just fine… when I was forced to.
“Lighten up, will you?”
I glanced at Ben.