His heart stilled for a moment as the significance of this acknowledgment settled in his mind. But where did it go from here? Where did he want it to go? Would Popi stay at the estate with him if he asked her?

“Hey.” Matias waved his hand in front of Apollo, gaining his attention. “Where’d you go?”

“What?” He had no idea what Matias had been saying. That wasn’t like him. But this was a situation that he’d never been in before. “Sorry. I guess I just have a lot on my mind.”

“It sounds like it. So, what’s her name?”

Apollo frowned. “Why do you just assume it’s a woman?”

“Because I know you. And there’s a look on your face—”

“What look?”

Matias smiled and shook his head. “Never mind.”

“I do mind. What look?”

“Like you’re a lovesick pup—”

“I’m not!” The denial came so quick and so vehemently that even he didn’t believe it.

Matias’s eyes widened as he held up his hands. “Hey, you asked.” He glanced down at the table. “So, back to the reason for my visit. How soon are you ready to set off on a new excursion? I’ve got guides set up for a walking safari. We’ll get up close and personal with the wildlife.”

It was something that Apollo had never done. And it was something that he’d always wanted to do. But he’d never found it challenging enough. Until now, he’d always wanted to push himself to the edge. But with this last adventure, he’d gotten too close to the edge and it had cost him.

The safari was exactly what he needed while his body continued to heal. But that would mean leaving Seb. That was something he couldn’t do. It was up to him to look after the little guy. And more than that—he’d miss Seb something awful.

He shook his head. “I can’t, man.”

“You mean because of your injuries?”

“No. I mean I’m still not one hundred percent, but I have the baby now. I have to put him first. I owe that much to my brother.”

But that wasn’t exactly the truth. His desire to stay here in Athens wasn’t born out of duty but rather out of desire. He wanted to stay home—to be there with Seb—and Popi. To share his life with them.

Matias stared at him. “Is that the only reason holding you here?”

“What else would there be?” Popi’s beautiful face filled his mind, but he quickly dismissed it.

“I don’t know, but you have that look on your face again.”

Finally deciding that he needed some advice about his situation with Popi, he opened up to his friend. He told Matias about the first time he met Popi and that undeniable immediate attraction. He went on to mention that Popi’s life was on Infinity Island and how she planned to return to her life there as soon as possible—with the baby. And how he would once again be alone.

“You’d be able to get back to your adventures,” Matias offered.

Apollo lowered his gaze and stared blindly into his drink. “I don’t know if it was almost dying on this last excursion or what, but I’m not anxious to get back out there. At least not yet.”

“Is it that? Or have you finally found a reason to stay at home?”

“You mean Popi?” When Matias nodded, Apollo said, “But this arrangement is about to end and then she’ll be gone.” Just like everyone else in his life.

“Unless you give her a reason to stay.”

Apollo looked up at his friend, finding that he was perfectly serious. But what could he offer Popi to stay here? Her career and friends were on the island. When she spoke of the island and the weddings she’d planned, it was obvious how much she missed it.

But her family was here in Athens. A flicker of hope sparked within him. If he were able to give her another reason, maybe he could change her mind. But how?

He searched his mind to come up with some reason that would rival her desire to return to Infinity Island. There had to be an answer. It wasn’t like money would be an obstacle. But he also knew throwing money at Popi wouldn’t be the answer. She was so stubbornly independent.

“Can I offer you a bit of advice?” When Apollo nodded, Matias said, “Be careful. I know things seem really good now. But move cautiously. I just got burned by a woman who was only interested in my bank account. She put on such a good show that I didn’t see it. I was just about to propose to her when I learned the truth.”