Page 93 of Fatal Obsession

Withmy senses restored and six minutes to go,Ipatted down with a big fluffy towel and dug out a pair of underwear and a sports bra from the itemsDamonhad bought.Ipaired it with black yoga pants and a blackT-shirt with enormous white carvings of satirical words across the front. “Iwas spanked as a child.Asa result,Isuffer from a psychological disorder known asRESPECTFOROTHERS.”Therewas also a hoodie that zipped up.

Itossed my hair up in a messy bun, stood on the toilet, and jimmied with the window handle to pry it open.Witha snap, it came loose and finally popped open.

“Yes.”Icelebrated the small victory.

Grabbingthe edge,Iput my left foot on the sill.Thefall would result in my death, but luckily, the ledge was wide enough for someone my size.

Withmy eyes on the grand prize,Ididn’t realize someone was throwing the door open until it was too late.Twohands grabbed my waist and wrestled me off the wall. “Thehell?”

Mypulse careened upon realizingIhad been caught red-handed.Theevidence of my escape effort lay in plain sight.Notonly had he stopped me, butIknew there’d be consequences for my actions.

Damonwhirled me around and set me down on my feet.Withinseconds, the handcuff was back on my wrist, and this time,Ihad a feeling it wouldn’t come off.

Heregarded the black pants and hoodieIhad changed into.Meanwhile,Damonhad put on a heather gray collared shirt and cargo shorts with a dark brown designer belt looped through.Theperfect ensemble would fit into almost any occasion.Iresembled a schlep in comparison, and for a moment, it distracted me.

Blueeyes analyzed me with their usual hunger and desire, but this time, there was anger in them, too.Itreminded me of an exchange between a predator and its prey.Imet him stare for stare, holding onto the intensity.

"Goingsomewhere?" he asked, voice slightly shaking.Hewas trying to control an oncoming wrath.

"It’ssuch a lovely day,”Icommented sardonically. “ThoughtI’dgo for a walk.”WhywasIgoading him?Hecould snap at any moment and wring my little neck out.

"Ofcourse," he snarled with a glint of mania in his eyes. “Whatsays leisurely walk like a carefree stroll off the fifty-sixth floor?”

“Betterthan the alternative.”

“Thealternative where you’re in a safe, warm home and not tumbling to your death?Whatthe hell were you thinking?”Heglowered at me. “Iswear toGod, if you ever put yourself at risk again, you’ll be tied to my bed until the day you give birth,” he growled.

Thetension radiating from him was more than about an escape attempt.Therewas something else in his gaze, too.




Orcould it be… fear?

Damonwas scared thatIcould’ve died.Asif that were his worst nightmare.Hehadn’t expressed fear of anything thus far, charging ahead and taking on my family.Butsuddenly, he was scared at the thought of my death.

“AllI’veever wanted was to keep you safe.You’remaking that impossible to accomplish.Whatif you’d fallen off that ledge?Youcould’ve died.”Hisvoice sounded panicked.Closerto terrified, in fact. “Howcould you do that to me?”

Iwas lost. “Fallingto my death is hardly a personal attack on you.”

Hisface turned beet red. “That’sexactly what it is.Doyou understand what would happen to me if…”Heran a hand through his wavy locks, unable to finish the thought. “Dammit,Poppy,” he snarled.

Thefear in his eyes stretched until he could no longer bear it.Damonshook away the images and closed his eyes, breathing heavily.Ihad never seen him this way.

“Ifyou let me go,Iwouldn’t risk my life again.”

“Isthat what you plan on doing wheneverIgive you an inch of freedom, risk your life?HowamIsupposed to trust you if you run away every timeIuntie you?”

Ittook immense control to maintain my neutral composure at his ridiculous statement. “Youare the last person allowed to talk about trust, my dearest husband,”Iretorted.

Iexpected further ire fromDamon, but his anger abruptly dropped upon the usage of the unsavory term, husband.Nomatter how sarcasticallyIsaid it, it was music to his ears.

Mycrimes were forgotten and forgiven.

Damonshook his head, cracking a smile. “Ican never stay mad at you.Comeon, little demon spawn.Ineed to feed you.Howelse will you have enough energy to plot your next escape?”