Inodded. “Ithought you might reach out to them, soIchanged their numbers to random burner phones.”
“Andmy mom?Shehasn’t gone a day without calling me.”
“HerandZane’snumbers were blocked.”
Poppylaughed, whether in misery or at the situation, remained to be seen. “I’mguessing you’re holding my phone hostage.”
“I’llreturn it to you after our honeymoon,”Ireplied carefully.
“Youcall this a honeymoon?”Shetried holding up our adjoined hands.Thecuffs dug into her delicate skin due to her inability to move my heavier hand.Sharpjolts of pain must be prickling her skin, thoughPoppydidn’t let it show.
“Stopthat,”Isaid in a soft but firm voice. “Themetal might leave scars if you keep pulling at it.”Itook her hand and interlaced it with my fingers, making it impossible to pull at the handcuffs again.
“Ifyou knew anything about me, you must knowIdon’t do well in captivity.”
“It’sa temporary measure.Untilyou see things clearly, you can only run by taking me with you.”
Hatredseemed to consumePoppy, and she turned her face as if unable to look at me any longer.
Grabbingher arm,Iturned her to face me.Poppyclutched at the comforter on instinct whenIdragged her closer.Shedidn’t stop me whenIcovered her face with soft kisses.
“You’realready thinking of a hundred escape plans, butIknow everything you might try and put in fail-safes.”Myvoice was soothing, though the meaning behind the words was menacing. “Thereis no way out of this,Poppy.”Iheld up the handcuff.Ithad a slot configuration with numbers in the middle. “Thisdoesn’t even have a key, just a pin.Theonly way to unlock these cuffs without the code is by chopping off your fingers.”
IfIhandcuffed her to anything other than myself, she’d find a way to run.Thecuffs were selected purposefully, metal instead of leather, soPoppycouldn’t possibly cut through them, and the metal would hurt too much if she kept yanking at them, forcing her to stop.Partof knowing her intimately also meantIcould predictPoppy’severy course of action in this dilemma.AsIsaid,Iknew her better than she knew herself.
Hewas a lunatic.
Adamn madman whoIhad to keep on an even keel if there was any hope of getting out of here.Onlyhow do you defeat someone who lives inside your head?DamonandIwere the same person.Itmeant he was ten steps ahead of me.Throwinga fit over his deceit or baiting him wouldn’t work in my favor.Asfar as he was concerned,Iwas his, and no one else was allowed to have me.Anycontradiction would have him choking me to death.
Ilet my gaze stray to the bedroom.IfIhad a chance in hell of getting out of here,Ineeded the lay of the land. “Ihave to use the bathroom.”
“I’lltake you.”Damongrabbed the comforter, forcing my hands to tighten around it.
“CanIput some clothes on first, or is that not allowed?”
“Ifyou must.”
Reachingpast me,Damongrabbed two bags off the floor with his free hand.Theywere carelessly thrown on the ground next to the bed.Istilled when his arm grazed against mine in his effort, cheek mere inches away from mine.Inadvertently, my gaze was on his face, wishing it weren’t the case.Damonmust’ve cleaned up before climbing back into bed with me.Heappeared recently showered with slightly damp hair, face freshly shaved, and body utterly naked.
Beadsof sweat from our most recent tumble rolled down a sculpted torso to theVof his abs, the comforter pooling around it.Itwas dragged low, dangerously close to revealing more.
Thevision of a nakedDamonin bed was the glaring reason whyIhad been complicit with the enemy.Ittook a beautiful monster to make my rational senses lapse.
Tautmuscles on his abs flexed when he caught my attention.
“Seesomething you like?”Damonraised an eyebrow, tongue darting out to suggestively lick his bottom lip.
Mymind went blank, eyes refusing to blink away.
“Wedon’t have to get dressed at all if you’d rather”
Isnatched the bagIhad haphazardly packed forVegasaway from him.Itmade him grin like he was privy to a private joke.Ishifted through the choices with my free hand and settled on a dark gray halter dress, another attempt fromRoseto “diversify” my closet.Itdidn’t require a bra and was the only thingIcould put on sinceDamonrefused to take off the damn handcuffs.Iturned to the side, touching the floors with my feet, forcingDamonto follow my movements asIstepped into the dress.He’drealize within hours how much of a nuisance it was being handcuffed to someone else.Tomy dismay,Damondidn’t complain whenIjerked his hand around, pulling the dress over my hips, and even helped me with the last stretch by zipping the back with his free hand.
Glancingover my shoulders,Iwatched him rip away the comforter covering him.Hiscock was hard and curved, hitting his abdomen.Whenprecum leaked out,Iquickly turned away, listening to the erratic beating in my chest asIwatched him out of the corner of my eye.Unlikeme, he didn’t fumble, gracefully gliding into a pair of black boxers.Damonpurposefully chose to forego more clothing when he caught my deliberate avoidance, his arousal peeking out from his boxers.