Theroom turned pin-drop silent.IttookMomseveral moments to recover. “Whatdo you mean you two were together?”Hervoice was almost inaudible. “Whywere you alone withDamonMaxwellfor over an hour?”
Ididn’t respond, waiting forMomto put two and two together.
Understandingdawned onMom, followed by the disappointment she couldn’t mask. “Roseis in love with that man, and he strung her along forGodknows what reasons,” she whispered, voice coated in sadness.
Icould see it inMom’sface.Itwas covered in pity.ShethoughtDamonwas taking advantage of her little girl, distracting me with his pretty face.
“Youcan’t marry someone who’ll profit from your fortune and might kill you after taking possession of it.”Momshifted restlessly from foot to foot as if her worst nightmares were coming true.
Ifought an eye roll. “Thisis ridiculous.Noone’s getting married.”
“So, you’ll stop seeing him?” she asked hopefully. “Untilthe allegations against him are cleared, you must consider thatDamonis a very dangerous person,”Momasserted.
Hernormal composure was shredded.Momwas imagining the death of her only child.Afterdealing withPapa’songoing illness,Momwould have to be institutionalized if anything happened to me.Iunderstood the sentiment and whyDamonrepresented a threat.
Nonetheless,Ifell silent, unable to verbally commit to her request.
Damonwas the first person to witness the vile parts of me, and instead of running away, he dove in headfirst.Itwas ridiculous to never see him again based on unproven fears.Inany case, onlyRosehad the right to demand this of me.Aftershe recovered,Ifully intended to give her the courtesy and explain what happened.Technically, there was nothing between us out of respect forRose.Istill couldn’t force my lips to vow never to see him again.
Mompulled out the big guns at my refusal. “Ifyou keep seeing him,I-I,” she stammered, the jug of juice still clutched at her heart.Herfear of theMaxwellssurpassed more than whatIanticipated. “I’lltell the board members ofAmbaniCorpabout your relationship,” she blurted, unable to think of other ways to keep me away fromDamon. “They’llnever let you becomeCEOif they find out.”
Icaught myself before exposing my reaction toMom’sunexpected threat. “EvenifIcan’t beCEO,Papaleft me enough stocks to sit on the board,”Ishot back.
“No.Heleftmethose stocks.”Mom’svoice turned apprehensive.Shespoke quietly as if hating every moment of this conversation but doing what she thought was necessary to protect me.Itwas misguided good intentions. “Iplanned on signing them over to you, butI’mwondering ifIshould implement a clause revoking your inheritance for marryingDamonMaxwell.”
Istruggled to grasp how my sweet, sensitive mother could concoct a plan remotely conniving.Heryears withZanehad paid off.
“I’msorry,Poppy, but this is for your own good.Youmight feel strongly right now, but don’t confuse sex for the great love of your life.Damonisn’t a good man.Heis a placeholder.”
Themiddle of my chest squeezed tightly at the face ofMom’sunforeseen betrayal.Thisdiscussion had taken a bitter turn. “Aplaceholder?”Iweighed the word against the tip of my tongue. “Youmean a placeholder likePapa.Youdidn’t even wait six months to remarry after his death.”
Momgasped, not expecting such a forward attack.Ihad never confronted her before, butIexceeded my threshold today.Theydrudged up the past by taking away the last piece ofPapa, then threatened to takeDamonaway, too.Pandora’sbox was open and on full display.
WhenMomremarried,Igave the benefit of the doubt to a whirlwind romance withZaneinstead of a preexisting one.Inever asked her aboutJoeMaxwell’saccusations, believing she wouldn’t cross that boundary.
Butnow… “JoeMaxwellwas right, wasn’t he?” my voice soft but menacing. “Howelse could you have moved on so fast?”
Mymind refused to believe my mother was an adulterer, andIsilently begged her to refute the accusation.Hersilence was nothing short of confirmation.
Myeyes inclined toZane’sconceited mien. “Hewould’ve made a disastrous father.So, you usedPapato raise your bastard child, then cheated on him whenthe great love of your lifecame back.”
Thejug of orange juice dropped fromMom’shand, the glass shattering on the wooden floor.ZaneandIjumped out of our chairs.ZaneinstructedMomnot to move so the glass didn’t cut her.Momstood on shaky legs, barefoot amid the spilled juice and broken glass in her knee-length pink sundress.Theshards on the floor mimicked our shattered bond.Forthe first time,Iwas disgusted by the truth.
Herbottom lip quivered. “Poppy”
Ishook my head. “Papaloved you.Hewould’ve never done that to you.”
“Iknow,” was all she could muster, extending her hand to reach for me.
Irecoiled, stumbling back. “Howcould you do that toPapa?”Ipointed atZane. “Howcould you choosehimover us?”
Apainful look crossedMom’sface, and she unthinkingly stepped forward.Herfoot landed on a piece of broken glass.Zanecursed and scooped her into the air, the glass piercing his feet as well.
Asob tore out ofMom’smouth. “I’msorry,Poppy,” she whispered. “I’mso sorry.Youhave to believe me.”
Believeher?Ourentire lives had been a lie.Thebullshit soulmate label everyone gave my parents was a facade.Inreality, she had been biding her time forPapato pass so she could return tohim, the true love of her life.
Theglint inZane’seyes was cruel and unforgiving. “Stop,” he snapped whenMombroke down against his chest. “You’reupsetting your mother.”