Myhusband might be dead, andIjust chopped off my finger to get to him.
Iwasa damn damsel in distress.
“Luke,”Iyelled at the top of my lungs. “Ihurt myself badly.Ichopped my finger off trying to cut a…”Iwas a terrible cook and couldn’t think of anythingI’dchop off other thanLuke’sdick if he didn’t let me out right this instant.
“Areyou okay,Mrs.Maxwell?”Hisresponse was immediate, concern laced in his voice.
“No!”Ishouted. “I’mbleeding to death.Weneed to go to the hospital.”
Thedoor flew open.Theman with the buzz-cut hair and dressed like he was auditioning forMen-In-Blackappeared petrified at the sight to grace him.Hisgaze went to my hand, wrapped poorly in a bloody rag.Thenhe saw the butcher’s knifeIheld in one hand and the bag of ice in the other with my severed pinky.
Iheld up the knife to his throat before he could say another word. “Takeme to my husband right this second.”
Thecontinuous beepingirritated my earbuds, the persistent sound piercing through my closed eyelids.Thecacophony of voices only made it worse.Notthe evil ones in my head constantly encouraging havoc but the ones outside.
Hervoice was mingled with that of a manIcouldn’t place.Fromthe sounds of it, we were at the hospital, and he was my attending physician.Theywere discussing medical treatment and aftercare.Judgingfrom their conversation,Ideduced thatIwas heavily medicated.Despitewanting to set this place ablaze with the demands of seeingDamon, my lips refused to move.Myeyes wouldn’t open, either.
Whatin the fresh hell was this?
Moreimportantly, where wasDamon?
Aftercompleting his update, the doctor said sternly, “Mrs.Trimalchio.Ihave another important matter to discuss.Thestaff told me that your daughter’s behavior today was unacceptable.Anotheroutburst like that, and we’ll have to consider thePsychiatricWard.”
Well, this brought back warm memories of every headmaster from my boarding school days.
“Whatdid she do?”Momasked tentatively.
“Shebroke a coffee table after we informed her that her husband wasn’t admitted here and took down one of our attendees when he tried to inspect her injured hand.”
“That’smyPoppy.”Momgave a small laugh before quickly clearing her throat. “Sorry, that’s not funny.I’llpay for the damages.”
AfterIheld the butcher’s knife toLuke’sthroat,Idisclosed what happened, demanding he take me toDamon.Lukewas convincedIwouldn’t jam the knife inside his throat.Thecockiness was an overkill.Ionly refrained because he surrendered his phone and keys without a fight.Irushed to his car.Lukefollowed behind with my finger in a baggie.Hetried to drive, soIwas forced to threaten him with the knife again because he wouldn’t have agreed to drive at the necessary speed of ninety miles an hour.
WhileIdrove to the hospital,Icalled the police withDamon’slast known location.Icalled the hospital, too.Noone by the name ofDamonMaxwellhad been admitted.Thestaff claimed to have heard a gunshot, but it was ruled out as a car backfire when they couldn’t locate a victim or a shooter on the premises.Noone saw anything, and conveniently, no cameras were facing that part of the parking lot, either.
Whatwas more astonishing was thatParischecked out of the hospital yesterday.
Lukedispatched his men, asking everyone to meet at the hospital and search the grounds.Meanwhile,Istormed the hospital in search ofDamon.ButLuke, the traitor, turned on me and forced me to get admitted for my severed finger—something about howDamonwould murder him with his bare hands if anything happened to me.
Sufficeit to say,Ididn’t go down without a fight.Thelast thingIremembered was turning over a coffee table.I’dscream this place down again ifIcould open my mouth.
“WhencanItake my daughter home?”Momasked.
“We’llkeep her under observation for a few days.Reattachingthe finger was a simple procedure.ButI’mconcerned about her mental state.”
“Isthere anything we can do?”
“Tryto keep her calm.Idon’t want to have to give her another sedative in her condition.”
Therewas a momentary pause onMom’send. “Isthere a way to streamTwelveGruesomeMurderson thisTVof yours?”