Page 80 of Fatal Obsession

“Allthe drinks were sealed,”Iaccused rather than stated, refusing to believeIwas bested this way.

“Thedrug was injected with a needle through the cork,” he explained unapologetically. “Ibrought the bottle with me.Migueldropped it off so my staff could set it up at our table.”

“ButIwatched you drink the champagne.”

Damonnodded. “Ihave taken this drug before inCaden’slab.”

Myhead reeled back. “Caden’slab?Yourbrother helped you drug me.”Familyof psychos. “Howlong have you been planning this?”

Heignored the question. “Cadendidn’t know what it was for.Heneeded a human volunteer to find ways to counteract the effects ofGHB.”

“Andwhy would you volunteer?”

“So, the effects could be monitored in a controlled environment before giving it to you.Iwanted to determine the dose to administer without causing you any critical side effects.”

Ihuffed. “Ifthat isn’t the most romantic thingI’veever heard.YetI’mslipping in and out while you are standing upright.”

Iwinced when he kissed my hair, unruffled by my words. “Itook trace amounts of it untilIbuilt up a tolerance.Consuminga small dose ofGHBno longer affects me.”

Myjaw dropped.Itwas ridiculous yet preposterously genius, like inThePrincessBridewhenWestleygaveVizzinithe illusion of choice, telling him one of the glasses was poisoned.Itwas never a fair duel.Westleyhad grown a tolerance for poison, soVizziniwould’ve died no matter which glass he chose.

“Youdrugged yourself so that you could drug me?”

Damonsmugly looked me straight in the eye. “Iknew you’d never drink the champagne otherwise.Itold you.Iknow everything about you,Poppy.Weare the same.”

“Weare nothing alike,”Ispat.Therewere no more pretenses left, no civilities needed. “Iknow whatIam.I’mbad to the bone.Butyou… you are the worst kind of evil.Youact like a big savior, only to lull people into a false sense of security before you strike.”

Skyblue eyes mimicked two bottomless pools. “Weare exactly alike.Ijust hide my demons better than you.Exceptyour demons don’t scare me or chase me away.Iwould never run from you.”

“Pity.SeeingasIplan on running from you at every chance.Whateveryou’re trying to do,Iwon’t go down without a fight.”

Myfeet felt like they were made of lead, andIstaggered.Onimpulse, my palms fell flat against his chest.Withoutmissing a beat,Damonwrapped an arm around my waist.

"Shh."Hestroked my hair. “It’sbest not to get so worked up right now.Relax.”

Everythingslowed down after that, my body refusing to cooperate with my threats about sobering up.Iglanced at my fingers, unable to remember how longIhad been staring at them.

WhenIblinked,Iwas sitting on the couch, andDamonkneeled in front of me, putting on my boots one foot at a time.

“Igave you the smallest dose needed to lower your inhibitions.There’llbe some impaired judgment, difficulty forming thoughts, slowed reactions, and a distorted sense of time.Eventually, you’ll feel like you’re on ecstasy,” he explained, his hand lingering on my bare skin as if he couldn’t wait until that phase kicked in. "Itshould be out of your system by tomorrow, and the side effects afterward should be minimal,” he spoke gravely, though it sounded distant and unimportant. “You'llbe the most present during the first hour.Bythe second hour, you’ll be just coherent enough to exchange vows.Sowe’ve got to leave soon.”

"Vows?"Iwas losing the battle against my mind.Everythingfaded away except for the sound ofDamon'svoice.

“Yes, our vows,” he clarified nonchalantly, a thumb brushing over my cheek. “Weare getting married tonight.”



Damonpulledme to stand on my heavy legs, pressing his lips to my mouth.Ifelt uncoordinated, but he carried me out of the bathroom as ifIwere rock steady.

Ihad no idea how we got to the hotel lobby, weeding through unfamiliar people.Itwas confusing and overwhelming until the arm around my waist tightened.Awave of relief washed over me whenIglanced atDamonstriding beside me.Iwould’ve fallen if his iron-clad grasp weren’t around my waist.

"Igot you, baby," he whispered on cue.

“Wherewe goin?”Iasked, hearing my words slightly slur.

Hesmiled devilishly and took my hand, exiting through the front doors. “DowntownLasVegas."