“Onemore,”Itold the bartender.
“Makethat two.”Cadenjoined me at the bar.
Mytwin watched me quietly asIdowned the shot and ordered another.
“You’rein a good mood,” he said sarcastically. “Wantto talk about it?”
Ifocused on the burn sliding down my throat instead of her.Poppyhated going home and spending time withZane, which increased my erratic thoughts.Shemust be going stir-crazy, hating every minute of her visit.Itwould be another three hours before she was dropped off and another two until she fell asleep.
Mythoughts were heavy by the time we took the third shot.Cadeneyed me apprehensively.
“What?”Isnapped.Itwasn’t his fault thatIbecame short-tempered wheneverIdidn’t seePoppyregularly.Itwas no different than someone not taking their prescribed dose of medication to keep themselves balanced.
Cadensipped his beer and told the bartender to hold off whenIasked for one more round. “Trythis instead.”Heslid me a bottle of craft beer. “Thisway, you’ll still be standing when you visit your little girlfriend.”
Myhead tilted to ensure no one was listening.Thepaparazzi snapped away but maintained a respectful distance on the other side of the red velvet rope.
Mytwin was the only one who knew aboutPoppy.Eventhen, he guessed it, butInever confirmed anything.Thesituation had worsened between our families.Therewas another pending litigation over clients and lost business.
“Relax.”Oncemore,Cadenpushed the beer my way. “I’llnever tell anyone about your fascination with the five-foot demon child.”
Iwondered if he’d feel the same upon discovering how deep this “fascination” ran.Mylife now revolved around my extracurricular activity.
Isaid nothing and sipped on my beer, frustration gnawing under my skin.Ilooked at my phone.Fuck.Twohours and fifty more minutes.Ibanged on my phone to get time to move faster.
Iset the beer on the bar counter with a thud. “Everyone’sgoing to freak out when they find out.So, why don’tIcare more about how they feel?”Itwas as close to an admission asIhad givenCaden.
Cadenblinked, taken aback by the unexpected confession. “Ihope you know what you’re doing.Ifyou pursue this, there will be a full-blown war.”
Iwas ready to go to war for her. “Idon’t care.”
“Sheis only seventeen.”
“Aboutto be eighteen,”Iargued immediately. “Doesn’tmatter either way.I’llwait for her.Sheis the end game.”
Caden’shead lurched back.
“What?”Isnapped again.
“It’sfunny to witness the greatDamonMaxwellwhipped.ShouldIsound the news to your stalkers?”
Thehold on my beer tightened, butIdidn’t contest the observation.ItmadeCaden’sshit-eating smile bigger.
Thenext couple of hours passed by in a blur with more photos.Iglanced at my phone and realized it was finally time.Ishouldn’t leave a party meant to be aPRstunt in my honor, but my legs had a mind of their own and pulled me towardPoppy’sapartment.Itwas the only place where my life didn’t feel like a circus.Therewas nothing pretentious aboutPoppy.Shenever tried impressing anyone, nor did the superficial aspects of my life enamor her.
Poppyequaled peace.
Istopped in front of her building and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.Ismoked during my four years abroad.Everyonesmoked, drank, and fucked like bunnies in boarding school due to a lack of parental supervision.WhenIstarted college,Itampered down my bad habits.Alcoholwas for the weekends, and cigarettes went out the window.
However, cigarettes were a stalker’s best friend.
Cigarettesallowed me an unassuming activity while waiting outsidePoppy’sapartment.Bystanderswitnessing someone with a cigarette didn’t question their motive other than partaking in a bad habit.Theywouldn’t call the cops ifIloitered outside for two hours, smoking.AndifPoppywere to discover me,Icould puff away, and she’d dismiss it as a coincidence thatIwas out for a smoke at the same place as her.
Oncethe lights inPoppy’sapartment dimmed,Ipulled the hood of my jacket over my face.Thelast thingIneeded was a horde of screaming girls recognizing me.
ThefobIcopied months ago gave me easy access through the doors.Luckily, the night doorman didn’t know every tenant by face.Asfar as he was concerned,Iwas another resident returning home.