Page 61 of Fatal Obsession

“Poppy,”Momsaid incredulously. “Youdon’t have kids toget it out of the way.Havinga child is a serious commitment.”

Ilifted my shoulders and let them fall away lazily. “I’llget a nanny to watch it.”Notto mention,Iwas great with kids.Noway wasIgivingZanemore ammunition to laugh over by admitting it in front of him.

“It?Youmean the baby?”Momappeared flabbergasted. “Poppy, you shouldn’t jump into things because the board expects it.”Shestilled when a horror-struck expression crossed her face. “OhGod, are you thinking about marryingParis?Beforeyou make any rash decisions?—”

“It’snotParis.”Icut her off so her hysteria wouldn’t spiral.

Momsighed in relief before another school of thought clouded her emotions.Shescanned through my limited list of acquaintances for possible alternate candidates.Whennone presented itself, she asked, “Thenwho?”

Zanelooked smug as he announced, “Ibelieve a certain flower sender inspired her sudden interest in marriage.”Mygaze narrowed.Therewas no way he knew, right?Zaneshattered my illusion of safety as he boasted, “Didyou thinkDamonMaxwellcould send flowers to my house without me finding out?”

“What!?”IfMomwas horrified at the thought ofParis, she nearly fainted at the mention ofDamonMaxwell. “Whatis he talking about?”

“Nothing.”Isilently willedZaneto shut up.

Ifired a warning shot to scareZaneinto returning my photo.Imade the grave mistake of underestimating him by pulling the trigger halfway.Ishould’ve either poisoned him to death or not laced his food at all.Thelittle display ignited his wrath, and he was coming for me.Afterall, we were cut from the same cloth.Ishould’ve known he was also collecting dirt on me.Mypoison turned out to beDamonMaxwell.

“Levitraced the flowers from yesterday to the original sender,”Zaneexplained toMommatter-of-factly, eyes grazing over the bouquet in the other corner of the room. “Itwas paid for byDamonMaxwell.Youknow, the one accused of killing her cousin.”

Momclutched the jug of orange juice to her chest, warding off the devil.

Myfingers tightened around my utensil.Icouldn’t believeZanewas telling on me.Whatare we, five?

“Ihave to hand it to him,”Zane’sdisparaging tone droned on. “Maxwellknows exactly what he’s doing.”

“Shutup.”Zanehad no right to sayDamon’sname.Itwas the equivalent of a demon taking the lord’s name in vain. “Youknow nothing about him.”

“Iknow he’s eliminating his biggest competition by pursuing you,”Zaneshot back. “Ifhe can get you to marry him, he’ll acquireAmbaniCorp’sclients, then dissolve your company.”

Thecomment made my eyes twitch.Damonbrought up marriage yesterday.Couldthere be a grain of truth inZane’sassessment?

Ivehemently dismissed it.No.Isaw the look onDamon’sface whenIheldNeil.Itcould only be described as longing.Theinnocent exchanges we shared in bed were honest.Ittrumped our ambitions.

“That’sridiculous.DamonknowsI’llnever get married without an iron-clad prenup,”Isaid flippantly.

Momblanched. “So, it is true?”


“I-Idon’t understand.IthoughtDamonMaxwellwas in a secret relationship withRose.”

Mychest iced over.

ThetextsNickuncovered fromRose’sphone had become common knowledge within our family.Theyknew ofRose’sinfatuation withDamonMaxwellbut there was no way to prove the feelings weren’t mutual.

“Poppy, this seems like a really bad idea,” she spoke slowly, paralyzed with fear. “MaybeIdidn’t giveParisenough of a chance.Let’srevisit him as an option.”Momgagged, unable to finish the sentence. “Nope.Can’tsay it with a straight face.Pleasedon’t marryParis.Anddefinitely don’t marryDamon.”

Ithrew daggers atZanewith my eyes. “Don’tlet him instigate and blow this out of proportion,Mom.AllDamondid was send me some flowers.It’snot a big deal.”

“Nota big deal?”Momforced out the words, hardly believing it possible.Shecounted off the cons. “DamonMaxwellis too old for you.Ourfamilies hate each other.And, oh yeah, the man was accused of murdering your cousin.Notto mention, he seducedRose, probably for the same reasonsAxelmentioned.Andnow that she’s indisposed, he’s going after you.Howdo you expect me not to be concerned for your safety?”

Imust admitDamondidn’t come out looking good.Butas a person exercising immense caution around men,Itrusted my gut instinct.Myjudgment was sound whereDamonwas concerned.

“Damonwasn’t involved withRose, nor is he a murderer.Whywould a futureNobellaureate murder a no-good drug addict likeRayyan?”

Momgasped. “Poppy, don’t speak ill of the dead.Andwe don’t know the full story aboutRose.Evenif he didn’t physically push her, what if he had a hand in it?Noone sawDamonfor over an hour.Hewas the only one missing from the party”

“Hewasn’t the only one missing from the party.Wewere together,”Iburst out, immediately eyeingZane.Hegrinned arrogantly becauseI’dshot myself in the foot, and he didn’t have to do anything except pave the way.