Ilifted to seating when her expression didn’t morph. “Explainthelocking him up in the panic roomportion.”
Withouthesitation,Poppylaunched into a detailed account of her citizen’s arrest.Sheopened an app on her phone and showed me a video ofParis.Hesobbed uncontrollably against his pillow, chest heaving from the desperate effort. “Idon’t think he is taking very kindly to the kidnapping,” she determined.
Longblack hair cascaded around her shoulders like a curtain of shadows as she assessed my reaction.Forsome reason,Poppyappeared to be awaiting my judgment, as ifIcouldn’t stomach her actions.
“I’lllet him out as soon asIfigure out how to keep him from creating a scandal or going to the cops,” she justified whenIdidn’t speak. “Parisis filthy rich, so it’s not likeIcan bribe him.Theonly thing he might want…”Shelet the gravity of the insinuation sink in. “That’snever going to happen.”
Asurge of jealousy coursed through me, threatening to consume my senses.Didshe thinkI’dlet her entertain the option even if she were willing?Wasshe worried my prolonged silence was a condemnation of her revenge and allowing the fucker off the hook would appease me?Mysilence was an effort to contain my wrath soIwouldn’t reveal how much it killed me that someone dared to touch her or thought they could take her from me.Myhands shook with uncontrollable rage.
Earliertoday,Ilearned about the mystery date set up byPoppy’sgrandmother.Myhead of security tailed numerous guests from last night’s vigil and paid them handsomely until someone pointed him towardParis.Thepieces fell into place soon after.PoppytoleratedParisbecause she didn’t want to create further rifts in her mother and grandmother’s fragile relationship.Poppy’srelationship with her mom and her grandma, to a certain degree, was important to her.Iwanted to protect their bond.However,Ialso knewI’dmurderParisin cold blood if he dared to come nearPoppyagain.SinceIdidn’t relish serving life in prison,Iplanned on paying him a “friendly” visit tomorrow.Yetit seems the asshole beat me to the punch by showing up here.
Ishould have predicted it.Poppydidn’t object to me tonight because her environment posed threats bigger than her enemy.Thishouse was crammed with overbearing relatives, a stepfather she hated, and fuckers likeParis.Icouldn't take the thought of him having access toPoppy.Iwouldn’t allow it.Thismadness would end tonight.I’densure it right after taking care of a dirty street rat namedParis.
Risingfrom the bed,Icharged toward the adjoining room.
“Whereare you going?”Poppyjumped out of bed and trailed me.
“Totake care ofParis.Stayhere,”Iordered, opening the door that separated the two rooms.
Poppymust have noticed the brooding and remained at my heels asIstampeded into the next room.IdoubtIcould contain myself upon seeing the fucker’s face.Thismight be the momentIfinally snapped.
Poppyfaced me whenIreached the steel door. “Whatare you going to do?” she asked in a soft yet determined voice.
“I’llhandle it so it won’t trace back to you,”Ireplied in a tone colder than ice.
Poppydidn’t press for more details.Thebig brown eyes looked at me intently, somewhat dulling away the fire.Thefact she could disarm me whileIwas in a manic state was stupefying.
Thoughher presence subdued the murderous rage, it didn’t smother the jealousy gnawing inside me.Mymind raced much too fast with possessiveness.Icouldn't let this go on, not afterParisentered her room.
Unthinking,Ipunched in the code harder than necessary.Poppycaught the action but wisely chose against questioning it.Shecould tellIwas in a mood and banked away my knowledge over her pin for a conversation to be had later.
“Youcan’t be here for this.Goback to your room,"Isaid sternly.
Poppyhesitated for a moment. “Don’tdo anything rash.Youhave a lot to lose,” she warned gently before stepping away.
Assoon as she left,Ithrew open the steel door with a resounding thud.Motionsensors activated the lights inside, and the sleek interior shone under the brightness.Pariswas sprawled on a twin bed and gasped at the intrusion.Theasshole dared to rest after coming into this house to disruptPoppy'speace.
"Wha"Hishead whipped toward me in confusion.Parisseemed to question his sanity, wondering if he had been transported into a different person’s panic room.Recognitionflared in his eyes, and he scrambled out of bed. "Aren’tyouDamonMaxwell?" he asked, his voice filled with astonishment and relief.
Iwasn't in a rational enough state to answer.
“Whatare you doing here?” he rambled, trying to make sense of the situation. “OhmyGod, are you here as part of a rescue mission?Issaving hostages one of your philanthropic efforts?ThankGod.Ihave been locked in here for hours.Nowater.Nofood.It’sbeen traumatizing."
Hereclaimed a seat on the bed, casually lacing his shoes.Iglared at the man who could only be described as a cartoon character.
"Ifinally understand why great poets are made in captivity," he conversed lightly.Hethought nothing of the reason he was shoved inside the box.Fuckingprivileged asshole.Parisrose gingerly, slipped on his coat, and moved to stand in front of me. "So, isPoppyAmbaniin custody?Whocalled in the tip about the kidnapping?Thatbitch is nuts"
TheblowIdelivered landed square on his jaw, sending him backward onto the cold ground.
"Whatthe fuck?" he wailed, clutching his injured mouth. "Ow."
"Keepyour voice down,"Iadvised in a measured tone. "Ababy is sleeping next door."
Parisstared at me in stunned disbelief.Theman known worldwide for his philanthropic efforts had punched him in the face.Violencewasn’t supposed to be a part of myDNA, according to the magazine articles and the staged interviewsIgave on late-night shows.Myorganization promoted a peaceful life of fighting drugs and suicide.Theanti-violent paradigm had been copied across the nation before going international.Iwas expected to become a futureNobelPeacePrizelaureate for my work, not a scathing hypocrite succumbing to basic emotions like anger.
ThewayIsaw it, both personalities existed within me.Onethrived in the light, dedicated to helping others.Theother reveled in the dark, drawn toher.
Parisrealized myPRteam featuredJekyllin the spotlight while he was receiving a rare glimpse atHyde.ForIwas no savior;Iwas his motherfucking worst nightmare. “Ithought you were here to save me,” he muttered, dumbfounded.