Poppyapproached the setup. “Keepyour hands to yourself.”Loweringonto the blanket, she nestled against the pillows. “Iassume we are watching a movie, not an educational video.”
Cautiously,Inodded.Thewarmth in her reception caught me off guard because while she didn’t fuss over the gesture, there was also no more hostility in her features.Alack of suspicion wasPoppy’slove language.
Istraightened the laptop until the video mirroring onto the screen wasn’t tilted.Poppyrefrained from striking up any further conversation and patiently waited for me to press play.Thecaption on the screen read, “TwelveGruesomeMurders,TheExplicitEdition.”
Curiositydanced on her face. “Thisis what we are watching?”
“Wecould do something else.”Ieyed the blankets suggestively.
Poppystared at me for several moments before mumbling, “Theonly thing better than watchingTwelveGruesomeMurdersis watching it in the explicit edition.Iasked because the banned version isn’t available online.”
Ahint of pride laved through me at her words.Theexplicit copy was banned due to controversial content and was nearly impossible to find.Itwas worth it, though, whenPoppy’sinexpressive eyes came alive at the footage of torture weapons laid out on a sterile table. “Ihave my ways.”
Poppyblew out a breath of approval asIpulled a blanket over her lap.Withonly a finger's width between us, she was close enough for me to smell her intoxicating perfume.Poppydidn’t react to the proximity.Tracesof bitterness between us evaporated at the scent of her vanilla and lavender shower gel, leaving me consumed by her.Wewatched the movie in comfortable silence, with horrified screams and blood baths projected onto the screen.Iwas impervious to everything except her.
Themoonlight illuminatedPoppy’sface, andIogled, taking full advantage while she was too distracted by the gruesome murders to notice.Theway she was engrossed in the gore, the way her back remained ramrod straight, the scent of her barely-there perfume, everything about this woman drove me crazy.Myhand grazed hers, and an electrifying shock jolted up my arm at the contact.Shefelt it and stilled at the touch, though her attention remained on the screen.Ourmutual silence hung heavy, both aware this poorly veiled facade of platonic friendship never stood a chance, just like my control.
Everyfiber in my being warned me to slow down.Initiatingphysical contact might set off alarms for someone still weighing the risks versus rewards, but surely, exercising forty-five minutes of restraint was good enough.
Maneuveringher,Isat behind withPoppyplopped between my legs.Gentlybrushing her hair aside to expose the vulnerable curve of her neck,Iplayed with the strands.Myother hand banded around her chest.Ipalmed her breasts, my thumb circling the nipples over her sweater.Herbody instinctively responded to my touch, her heart beating violently against my fingertips.Arhythmic drum playing an erotic tune.Ishoved my hand inside her sweater, butPoppygrabbed it.
Igroaned. “Ineed to feel you,Poppy.”
“No.Thisis too messed up.Mycousin might die thinkingIbetrayed her by sleeping with the man she loves.Sheis obsessed with you.”
“That’stoo bad becauseI’mobsessed withyou,”Ibreathed.
Poppyshook her head. “Ican’t do this to her.”
IknewPoppywouldn’t disregard her cousin’s infatuation with me.Itwas difficult to dissuade her loyalty.Insteadof pushing,Itried to ease her into it.
“You’renot doing this to her;Iam.Enjoythis without being in cahoots with me.Letme shoulder the blame becauseI’lldo anything for you,Poppy.”Anoverpowering thirst took over, one only she could quench, andIdug my nose into her tresses. “Youalways smell so fucking good.”
Ikissed the back of her neck before dragging my tongue across her skin.Thechill in the air mixed with my hot tongue asIlicked and sucked the back of her neck.Herlips parted, and an involuntary shiver raced throughPoppy.
Oncemore,Igrabbed at the hem of her sweater. “I’mgoing to take this off, okay?”
Poppydidn’t object whenIpulled the top over her head this time.Myhand returned to her chest, pulling at the cups of her bra to reveal her tits.Shesat facing away from me, butIcould see them over her shoulders.Roundand inviting breasts sprang free, accompanied by a flat stomach toned from hours of running.
Beforeshe could react,Idipped two fingers inside her mouth, pressing down on her wet tongue.Iretracted them just as swiftly and drew them to her nipple.Poppyshivered at the cold contact, her bare nipples hardening asIrolled them between my fingers.Myother hand skated past her belly button down to her leggings.
Ispun her body, pushed her onto the blanket beneath us, and stretched out on top of her.Indecisionencompassed her, caught betweenRoseand me.Inthe end,Poppyturned her face to the screen as a defense mechanism.Shewas taking me up on the offer to exonerate herself from the situation, pretending this wasn’t happening.
Myeyes took their fill of her body with untamed wildness.Fortunately,Poppyfaced the screen, so she didn’t catch the animalistic lust on my face.Isucked on her nipples, hollowing out my cheeks untilPoppypanted for relief.Icontinued to lick and suck every inch of her skin before dipping my tongue into her belly button.Noskin was left unturned under my attention.
Grabbingonto the waistband of her leggings,Islowly pulled down her pants.Herharsh breath could be outlined in the air asIdipped inside to trace the outside of her panties.Poppy’shead lolled back whenImoved my fingers inside her underwear to find her dripping.
WhenItried taking off her underwear, she grabbed my wrist. “Don’ttake them off.”
Ididn’t.Itwas pertinent this wasPoppy’sdecision to allow her the illusion of loyalty.Instead,Ilowered to her pussy, and my tongue swiped her core over the black panties.
“Shit,”Poppyhissed.Glossyeyes fixed on the screen, almost as if she wouldn’t be in collusion with me if she didn’t witness the act.
Thepanties were covered in dark spots, soaked from her arousal and my efforts.Ikept licking over the damp material untilPoppyseemed ready to lose it.
“Fuck, baby,”Igroaned. “CanIeat you out raw?”
“No.”Shefound her voice and immediately clamped her legs shut.