Page 48 of Fatal Obsession

Poppywatched me tinker with it for minutes before asking, “How?”

IfacedPoppy, having completed the setup. “Ihave my ways.”

Forthe first time,Poppydisplayed a vivid expression.Angryand shaken.Thewheels were turning in her head.Shesuddenly saw me as a threat, the guy holding the key to her future. “Whatnow?” she quipped. “Ido whatever you ask, or you tell everyone about me.Isthat it?”

Ishook my head. “I’dnever broadcast your business.”

“Whydid you bring it up if you didn’t plan on using it against me?”

“Tobuild trust.”

Poppyseemed stuck between disbelief and rage.Watchingher flabbergasted would've been satisfying if she hadn’t looked sick.Rightfullyso.Ifword got out thatPoppywasn’tJayAmbani’sbiological daughter, it would ruin her future.

“Iknow what would happen to you if word got out about this.Iwant you to trust thatI’llnever use this against you.”

“Untilyou want something from me.”Poppylooked away. “You’renot the first person to blackmail me with this information.”

Myintent to gain her trust had misfired.Thissituation was spiraling fast, andIneeded to de-escalate it.

“Thisisn’t coercion,Poppy,”Iattempted to reconcile. “Ihave known for years.Haven’ttold a soul despite the million times my family pushed me to dig up dirt on you.”

“Yourfamily will have a field day if they find out about me.”Shefrowned, the insinuation sinking in. “Andthey’ll be pissed at you for withholding this information.”

“Exactly.Butyour secret’s safe with me,”Ideclared firmly. “Ihope that’s enough to trust me and find some common ground.”

“WhataboutRose?”Poppyforced the words out as if they were too painful to utter.

Ilet out an impatient sound. “Thisdoesn’t affectRose.”Ispeedily revised my tone and continued in a gentler voice, “Imeant thatRosewon’t find out about us until after she recovers, which will take some time.Hangout with me in the meantime and figure out if this thing between us stands a chance.”


“Thenyou’ll never find out who told me aboutZane.”Iforced my eyes to be insouciant. “Ifthis is worth fighting for, we can helpRosecome to terms with it.Ifnot, you can walk away.”

Distrustfuleyes roamed my face. “Whyare you going to these lengths to see me?”

“Ialready told you why.”

BecauseIhaven’t been able to stop thinking about you.Becauseyou’ve been driving me crazy since we met.It’smadness, and you can’t explain madness.

“Iwant to watch a movie with you, that’s all.I’llanswer any more questions afterward.”

DoubtcloudedPoppy’sresilient eyes, butIknew she was considering it.Herattention shifted to the screen, shielding her eyes momentarily against the glaring light from the projector.Poppystudied the blanket next, along with the pillows on the floor.Adifferent person might have been thrilled with the romantic gesture and gushed over it.

Ohwow.Thisis beautiful.

Ican’t believe you set up a home theater for us.

Youare so thoughtful.Thankyou.

Etc., etc., etc.

Iharbored no such fanciful expectations.IexpectedPoppyto put up further objections surroundingRoseor interrogate me about her coveted secret, demanding answers before agreeing to a movie.Imaginemy surprise whenPoppyappeared relieved.

Didhaving an external reason to hang out with me take away feelings mimicking guilt overRose?

Perhapssomething else was botheringPoppy, for only distress could make her overlookRose’sfeelings.

Maybeit was both.