Page 30 of Fatal Obsession

“Didn’tyou just walk through the door?”Momasked unironically.

Whenhe noticed the decorative mirror on the wall,Milanforgot to retort and brushed out his bangs with his fingers.Thenhe recognized someone more important across the room and made himself scarce, utterly abandoningNeilwithout a backward glance.

Milan'sundue resentment toward his youngest solidified my connection withNeil.Unwantedsouls sought each other out.Thefeeling must be mutual because my cousin never fussed around me, and my uncle used it to his advantage.Imight not appear kid-friendly, but children gravitated toward me.Inturn,Imust admit their company was acceptable.Childrenhad all the qualitiesIwished adults would embrace.Theywere viciously honest, blind to discrimination, and uncanny judges of characters.

Neilgrabbed a handful of spaghetti off my plate and chucked it atZaneacross the table.AsIsaid, they were uncanny judges of characters.

“Whatthe—”Mystepfather looked ready to blazeNeilwith his eyes but caught himself at the sound ofMom’smelodic laughter.

“Younaughty boy,”Momhalfheartedly scolded her nephew as she laughed, using a napkin to wipe the spaghetti offZane’sface. “Who’sa naughty boy?That’sright, you are.”

“Don’tlisten to them,Neil,”Icooed next to his ear.Nudgingmy plate in front of him,Iprayed for a repeat.Maybethis time,Icould get it on video.Itook my phone out in preparation.

Neilappeared camera-shy and turned his face away.Itapped the message icon whenInoticed an excess of unread texts.Theunknown number sent more messages naming my assets.Iscanned the table to findMomandNaniin another heated argument and quickly typed my response.

Poppy:That’san impressive list.

Thereply was instantaneous.

Unknown:Iwas starting to think you didn’t like my list.

Poppy: ?

Unknown:It’sbeen dead silent on your end for hours.

Poppy:Gotsidetracked by mayhem.

Unknown:MayhemsurroundingRose,Ipresume.Howis she doing?

Themessage gave me pause.

Rose’sparents were preoccupied with proving theMaxwellsdid it and exacting revenge instead of meeting with doctors to discuss a recovery plan.Everyoneelse was busy using this dinner as a networking opportunity, setting people up on dates, and turningRose’strauma into their gain.Ironically, the only person to express genuine interest in her welfare was the man accused of pushing her.

Poppy:Visitationswon’t be allowed for a few more weeks, but she’s expected to make a full recovery.

Unknown:That’sgood news.

Unknown:Whatwas the mayhem about if it wasn’t aboutRose?

Poppy:Thehouse has been raided by relatives.Ifthat wasn’t bad enough, my grandmother set me up with some guy.

Threebubbles graced the text exchange screen before they disappeared.Thephone buzzed as my grandmother exclaimed, “Okay, everyone, shh.Parisis making his way over.”

Ihit the lock screen asMommumbled, “Joy.”

“Here,I’lltake him.”NanisnatchedNeiloff my lap in preparation forParis’sarrival, an arrangement that didn’t suit either of us.

“It’sfine.Idon’t mind watching him.”Iextended my arms, andNeilleaned over, all too willing to return.

“No.He’lldistract you fromParis.”Nanigave me her back, taking away the one relative that might’ve made his insipid presence bearable.IfIweren't positiveNaniwould stop coming over for directly snubbing her choice,Iwouldn't letParisnear me with a ten-foot pole.Thesmall control over my future was the only reason my grandmother was malleable and civil towardMom(yes, it could be worse, and it was when she first marriedZane).It’dbe long beforeMomwas forgiven for the transgression of marrying someone below her station.

Myfeelings towardZainaMittalwere contradictory.Iliked her ambition and work ethic as a mogul.Onthe other hand, she had no respect for the middle class.Herextreme dislike ofZanewas admirable, though our reasons were worlds apart.Sheshared a complicated relationship withMomwhile admiring my academic pursuits and reserving a soft spot for me.Nonetheless,Nanidisplayed her affection in the oddest way: pushingParison me for basic reasons.

One,Parishad anIvyLeagueeducation and came from old money.Hewas considered an appropriate match for the futureCEOofAmbaniCorpeven though his father got him admitted intoCornelland created a made-up position at his company soPariscould earn a cushy salary without working.

Secondly, my grandmother thought men with oldEuropeancity names were sophisticated, so she named her firstbornMilan.Paris, however, disprovedNani’stheory within ten minutes.
