Afew people chimed in with feeble explanations.
“Wedidn’t see what happened.”
“Wewere just dancing, and she fell from above.”
“Doyou think someone pushed her?”
Whispersof conspiracy theories started sidetracking into a pointless conversation, none of which helped my cousin.Thesole helpful person appeared to be the masked man, whomInow recognized asCaden,DamonMaxwell’stwin.Samebuild.Samehair.Samemask.
Howdid this manyMaxwellsinfiltrate our party?Thishouse was built like a maximum security prison to keep the likes of them out.Usually, we’d seek out security upon detecting their presence.However,Cadenwas the only doctor present at a party filled with drunk assholes.Iwas positive the rest of my cousins were ten shots deep or too high to helpRose.NomatterCaden’sfeelings about us, theHippocraticoath wouldn’t allow him to leave her side.Thevolume on his phone was loud enough to hear the ambulance was en route.Inthe meantime,Cadencommunicated her condition to them.Ina shocking turn of events, anotherMaxwellweeded through the crowd and came toRose’said.
“Here, put pressure on the wound.”Damonshoved a few towels into my hands.Itappeared he ransacked all the towels from a bathroom, along with a first aid kit.
CadenandDamonwere known to be as different as night and day, but it seemed their twin link kicked in during crisis mode.DamonelevatedRose’shead by creating a makeshift pillow with the remaining towels, soCaden’shands would be free to assess her.Itightly wrapped one of the towels aroundRose’shead to stop the bleeding, holding another one against the wound.Thethree of us worked seamlessly to stop the bleeding, momentarily blanking the family feud and anger over the mistaken identity during sex.
Cadengrabbed a sterile gauze to wrap it aroundRose’shead when blood soaked the towels.HeretookRose’spulse, repeating the information to the operator.Evenfrom here,Icould hear his heart pounding in fear.Igave him a quizzical look.Ididn’t know much aboutCadenMaxwellbut didn’t expect him to be this invested inRose’swelfare.
Theperson on the phone said something, andCadensecurely wrapped a new towel aroundRose’shead on top of the gauze dressing.Herose with her unconscious body in his arms, her head lolling onto his shoulder.
“Whatare you doing?”Ijumped to my feet.
Cadenmoved through the crowd. “Theambulance is pulling up.It’lltake too long to find her if they have to fight through this many people.I’mtaking her outside.”
“Goodcall.”Damonmade a path forCaden. “Outof the way.”
Ifollowed on quick feet because they were right.Thishumongous house was nothing short of a maze, and weeding through the crowd might add an extra fifteen to twenty minutes.Fromthe looks of it, time wasn’t onRose’sside.
Myphone was out, dialing asIwalked.ItriedRose’sparents first.Whenthere was no answer,Icalled the next person on my list.
“Poppy.Hi!”Mom’scheerful voice sounded wrong, considering the gravity of the situation.
“Mom,”Iwhispered into the phone.
Ihad barely spoken, andMomalready knew something was amiss. “What’swrong, baby?”
Therewas a long pause asItried to explain what happened.
“Poppy.Iseverything okay?” she asked again.
“No.It’snot,”Ianswered truthfully. “It’sreally fucking not.Youneed to come home.”
Aftera few follow-up questions, the sirens from the ambulance drowned outMom’svoice.Cadenjumped into doctor mode when the paramedics brought out the stretcher.
“Ishould go,”ItoldMom. “I’llsee you when you get back.”Iwas shocked to findDamonpractically glued to my side, watching me asIhung up.
“Isyour mother coming home?”
Damonnodded at my phone. “Isshe returning toAmerica?”
Ididn’t look deeply into the fact that he knewMomwas out of the country.ButIwas still skeptical of his intentions. “Whydid you help us tonight?Ithought you were required to pledge our destruction when inducted into your company.”
Damonappeared entertained, though nothing about the situation was amusing.Ourfamilies never spoke to one another unless they were fighting.Hishelp withRosewas unprecedented.
Turningmy attention to the paramedics,Irealized they loaded the stretcher.
“Wait.I’llcome with,”Itold one of the paramedics, grabbing the handle before he could shut the ambulance doors.