“Thisis a bad idea,”Jaspergrumbled once more.
“Stopbeing a little bitch.”
Iignored their bickering and flicked my cigarette out the window.ItextedRoseafterIparked the car at the coordinates she sent.Shewalked out onto the lawn within seconds, slinking into the darkness where our car was hidden.
“Everyonegot their masks?”Iturned to check.Abouncer was rumored to be at the front door, scanning the barcode on the invitations to keep out unwanted guests.Rosewould sneak us in through the back of the house, but we needed to camouflage.Luckily, it was a masquerade-themed party.
Ipushed the car door open, simultaneously tying the plain blackZorromask behind my head.Mybrother and cousins stepped outside, binding on similar lightweight fabrics.Wewere dressed the same: black slacks and dress shirts, an unplanned coincidence.Itwas the easiest way to blend in.Blackwas inconspicuous and a popular color choice at these events.
Rosesauntered to the car.Shewas painfully shy, but tonight, she was in a tight, asymmetrical dress and platform heels that dug into the grassy ground as she walked.Breakingout of her timidness with a sexier personality and outfit was for my benefit.
“Hey,Damon,” she greeted, making her voice sultry in contradiction to her naturally reserved one. “Greatto see you.Ialmost thought you weren’t coming.”
Iplastered on a practiced smile as she pecked my cheek.Anotherbold move onRose’spart. “Wouldn’tmiss it for the world.Thanksfor the invite.”
“Sorryfor making you jump through the hoops of sneaking in.Youknow what my cousins are like.Ifthey knew you guys were here…”Sheglanced around to take stock of our audience. “Oh, hi, guys.”Sheawkwardly waved atJasperandXander, who greeted her in kind.
“Howare you?”
Caden, on the other hand, said nothing, browsing his phone as ifRose’sexistence didn’t matter one way or the other.Thoughthe animosity between our two families had been long-standing,Rosewas the only one immune to the ire.Isuspected it was due to her fascination with me rather than keeping the peace.She’dinvited me to numerous parties over the years, though never to events with otherAmbanisin attendance.Untiltonight.
Roseorganized a party atPoppy’sstepfather’s mansion.Sincethe guest count was massive and everyone would wear a mask, she felt brave enough to extend an invitation.Hersurprise was evident whenIaccepted it despite dodging her advances for years.
Foronce,Rose’sunwavering admiration worked in my favor.Shetook a huge risk by letting us into the party just as we were attending it.Allhell would break loose if anyone foundMaxwellblood in the mix.
Roseled us through the garage and ushered us into an elevator. “Goodthing it’s a costume party, right?Noone will recognize you guys.”
Rosewasn’t only referring to her cousins but our fan club as well.Xanderwas drafted into theNHL.Jasperplayed on our college team and would likely follow suit.Cadengraduated from college at twenty with a degree in chemistry before becoming a doctor at twenty-three, but it wasn’t the reason behind his fame.Hebecame an online sensation after creating various patented drug formulas that changed the game.
Ofthe four,Iwas supposed to hold the least glamorous position as theCEOof our family’s company, working part-time to earn myMBA.Diplomatic.Stable.Discreet.Iwas known for those traits and for remaining behind the scenes.Afew philanthropic efforts had dragged me into the limelight.Ipoured money intoCaden’slab to unearth formulas for incurable neurological disorders.Thiswas coupled with my organization rehabilitating those losing hope by replacing their violent realities with opportunities such as jobs and support groups.Ourprograms revealed a high success rate for those unable to escape a broken system.Themodel was used worldwide, resulting in endless magazine features and talk show interviews.Thefour of us couldn’t go anywhere inNewYorkwithout being recognized or harassed.Nogood deed went unpunished.
Rosepushed the button to call the elevator. “Wishyou had gotten here earlier.”Sheducked her head and spoke to her shoes.Thesexy persona she adopted was crumbling, her real personality defying the unnatural changes.
Tobe honest,Rosedidn’t need to change.Wecould've been friends if she hadn’t had feelings for me.Asit stood,Ihad no interest in leading someone on, especially someone as fragile asRose.Evenmy presence gave her hope.Iwouldn’t typically exploit her fascination, but this was a dire circumstance.
“Wedid a fashion show with prizes for best outfits.”
Roseuneasily listed more details about the party.JasperandXandermade polite inquiries, sensingIwas in no mood to converse.Cadendragged behind, the shift in his mindset noticeable.
Theelevator stopped at the main floor, the doors opening to a packed room full of who’s who.Entitledheirs and heiresses occupied every corner of the house.Themusic was loud, and the intoxicated dancing was wild.
Weshoved through the masses to reachAxelTrimalchio’sfamous ballroom, ironically known for its infamous parties.Iwas shocked the former musician allowed his eighteen-year-old stepdaughter to trash his home.Myeyes peeled open in search of the five-feet demon spawn.EvenifPoppywore a mask,I’drecognize her instantly.
“Let’sdo some shots,”Jaspereagerly steered the group toward the bar.
EvenCadendid a bored one-shoulder shrug.
Iremained unmoved. “Maybe.”Afterscanning the crowd twice,Idetermined she was missing on the floor. “IsPoppyhere?"Iasked despite my best efforts to keep my agenda hidden.Anoddball,Poppypossibly decided against attending a party in her own home.Annoyed,Irubbed the tattoo on the back of my neck.
Rosefrowned. “Er.Yeah.Isaw her not too long ago.Whydo you ask?”Theedge in her voice was unmistakable.