Suddenly,Damon'sphilanthropic efforts seemed intentional rather than a coincidence. “AmIthe reason you funded all thoseALSresearch inCaden’slab?BecausePapadied ofALS.”
Damonnodded. “Itold you, everythingIdid was for you.I’vehelped thousands, soon to be millions, live a better life.Still, nothing came close to howIfelt helping you.”
Iwas left speechless, trying to process his words. “Ifthat’s how you felt about me, why did you resort to drugging me to marry you?”Thetruth still stung as it escaped my lips.
Damontook a deep breath before answering. “Itwas the only way we could be together.”
He’dechoed the sentiment numerous times.Myeyes were downcast. "MaybeIwould have chosen to marry you willingly if you had waited."
“Icouldn’t take the chance."Damon’svoice was thick with determination. "I'vewaited too long already.Afterthat night at the party,Ithought we’d finally be together.Thenthose texts and videos emerged fromRose’sphone.”
Themention ofRose’sname dropped something heavy over my chest.
Damoncaught the shift in my body language. “Ichecked withCadenearlier.Rosewas taken out of the medically induced coma, but she isn’t lucid,” he cautiously updated me onRose. “Sheis in theICU, but visitors aren’t allowed yet.”
Ahand brushed against my cheek. “I’lltake you to see her once they allow it.Iknow how much she means to you.”
“Thenyou must understand whyIwas hesitant about this relationship,"Itold him honestly. “Ifyou exercised a little patience, things could’ve been different.I’dalready planned on speaking toRoseafter she recovered.”
Damondidn’t appear convinced. “Nomatter what you felt for me, you couldn’t bear to hurtRose.Tellingher about us would’ve broken her heart, andIknew you would’ve backed out.Ipanicked.”
Damonwasn’t entirely wrong.Finally,Icould relate to his reasons.
“Justso you know,I’msoft onRosebecause she has been through a lot,”Idivulged. "Shewas nearly beaten to death when she was young."
Damon'sfrown deepened. “Ididn’t know that.”
“Nota lot of people do.Shewas found in front of her parent's house, and ever since, she has been scared of strangers, the dark, or even engaging in a conversation.Accordingto those texts, you were the first person she opened up to apart from me.Ididn’t want to be the person taking that away from her.”
Damonscoffed. “Trustme, you didn’t.BecauseI’vealways been yours.”
Foronce,Icouldn’t refute the truth or find it in me to disagree.Nonetheless,Idoubted he’d feel the same if he found out my bitter secret and the other reason why hurtingRosewas such a non-negotiable for me.
“Onemore bite.”Damonbrought the forkful of eggs to my lips, imitating the airplane trick parents use to feed their children.
Likeevery morning,Iwas perched on his lap while he fed me breakfast, acutely aware of his growing erection with every biteItook.
Unlikethe other mornings,Iwas no longer plotting his death.
Turningtoward him,Inoticed the five o’clock shadow, which made his face even more attractive.Hewas shirtless, as usual, and asIshifted, my nipples brushed up against his chest, and the reaction was instantaneous.Theybecame hard, and my panties became soaked.Ignoringmy current state or perhaps because of it,Imade a decisionIwouldn’t have considered mere days ago. “Ichange my mind.”
Damon’sgaze probed for answers as he brought a glass of juice to my lips.Hisstare never left my mouth asIswallowed.
Ihave been thinking about it since our conversation.Afterconsidering every avenue,IrealizedDamonwas right.Perhapsthis wasStockholmSyndrometalking, but there was no point in being miserable.Amerger between our two families would solve all the problems, and everyone in our lives would benefit.Rosewould have to accept our relationship eventually.Therewas no other alternative.
“I’vedecided to meet you halfway.ButI’vegot some conditions.”
IfDamonwas surprised by my abrupt change of heart, he didn’t let it show.Henodded with an ‘I’mlistening’mien.