Thebanging on the glass pane intensified so loudly that my voice could barely be heard over it.
“Ifell in love with you instantly on the nightImet you.Ifell in love withJayover time as we built a life brick by brick.Lovingyou didn’t meanIcouldn’t love him, too.Itwas incomparable, like apples and oranges.”
WatchinghowJaygrew from his love forKatand me,Iknew the two weren’t mutually exclusive.Despitehis love forKat,Inever questionedJay’slove for me because both could be true.Jay’soffice was the proof.WhileKatmaintained five percent of his desk,PoppyandIruled the other ninety-five percent.Andthat was whyIhad to make this difficult decision today.
“Thereis no one here,”Iinformed. “Isent my family to our condo in the city becauseIknew you were coming for me, andIknew whatIhad to do next.”
Igrabbed my cell phone from my back pocket.Myfingers dialed 911 and hovered over the call button.Axel’sfists furiously pounded against the surface, leaving red marks in its wake where he made contact.
“Didn’tyou wonder why there was no security at this house when it isn’t inJay’snature to leave us unprotected?”Iasked calmly, even though he could no longer hear me, lost in a world of chaos. “It’sbecause onceIcall the police, it takes them less than three minutes to reach this house.”
Rageradiated from his body as he slammed his hand against the glass and cursed loudly.Ihit the call button and waited for someone to pick up on the other side.
“Hello.ThisisPiyaAmbani.Iwant to report a break-in.”Irattled off my address whileAxelcontinued slamming his fists against the door in a never-ending cycle of ire, punctuated by the occasional scream of rage.
Axeltook a momentary pause, seething. “Youthink the police will keep you safe from me?You’rewrong.”
Irose to my knees and turned in place.Ileaned my forehead against the cool glass pane as if reaching toward him.
“Thingshaven’t been right with us becauseIhave unfinished business,”Iwhispered. “Youfeel it, too.That’swhy you have been holding onto me so tightly, always looking over your shoulders for whenImight run again.Thisis no way to live.Letme go,Axel, andI’llreturn to you the right way.I’llbe your prisoner for as long as you want.”
“I’llnever let you go.”
Asingle tear rolled down my cheek.Axelhad made his choice. “Forgiveme for whatI’mabout to do, but you left me no choice.”
Thecameras above the doors were recording this interaction with the proof ofAxelTrimalchiothreatening my family and me.I’dsend it toLeviwith a promise of not going public ifAxelabided by the restraining orderI’dattain through this video and the police testimony once they arrived on site.
Ihad watchedAxel’snew life closely.Leviwas the only person who truly cared forAxeland wouldn’t let him violate the restraining order.Ifnecessary,Leviwould track him conspicuously to ensure it.
Notto mention,Axelwas so famous that it’d be impossible to return toChicagowithout his whereabouts becoming public.Thatwas howI’dfound out he had landed inChicagoin the first place.
Allthese measuresIhad taken againstAxelwerePiyaAmbani’sdoing.Powerful.Rich.Calm.Collected.Incontrol.
However,Ihad to pushAxelover the edge for this plan to be successful.OnlyPiyaMittalcould bring out the beast inside him with a slightly reckless decision involving emotions.
“Ilove my husband, andIhave to see him through this.Youshouldn’t have tried to make me choose between my family and you… because it’ll always be them.”
Ithappened then.ThecontrolAxelhad been battling with since his arrival shattered entirely.
Uncontrollableanger thundered.Hisfist pounded against the door so heavily that it might as well have shaken the entire house.Myhands fell on the ground asIwatched the blood seep from his knuckles and the sound of fast-approaching sirens.
Evenexhaustion didn’t take him down asAxelcontinued pummeling the door, trying to break it down.Twolarge officers appeared on site and tackled him.Itdidn’t take him down.Herose from the ashes like a phoenix and dispersed them.Withhis eyes on me, he charged at me like a maniac.Oncemore, he was at the doors, throwing his body against it with a primal fury to somehow get to me.Hisguttural voice sounded animalistic as he called to me while trying to break through the door.
Iplaced two hands over my ears, pain colliding against my chest. “Ilove you,”Iwhispered to myself asIrocked back and forth. “I’llalways love you.Pleaseforgive me.”
Ifthere were any other way forJayto peacefully live out his remaining days with his family,Iwould have taken it.ButIknewAxelwould keep coming for me until his last breath.
Iwatched as more police officers arrived on site, trying to takeAxeldown.Theadrenaline wouldn’t let him go down, and he assaulted the police officers without care.
Iknew he’d hate me forever for this one action becauseIhad finally taken the one thingAxelpromised never to lose; his ability to avert the law and… his control.
* * *