“Doyou know that bigamy is illegal in this country?” he asked in the same low voice, but the venom dripping from his lips made me quiver.

Myheart gave out. “Axel,I’msorry if you thought what happened on that beach meant more.Youhave no idea how muchIthought about it over the years.Butit’s in the past.Please,Axel, stop trying to destroy my family.Justleave me alone.”

Axel’sstance remained tense, body rigid and unmoving.Therewas a distinct smell in the air, an acrid mix of anger and determination.Itreeked of bitterness and betrayal and broken promises, like smoke in a burning building filling up every corner of the room.

“You’resigning that paper,” he declared with cold finality.Hispresence was overwhelming, radiating a sense of dread in its wake.Hishands threaded into my hair again, tightly curling into fists.Theyheld my tresses with an unspoken rage, ready to hurt me if necessary.

Ididn’t make a sound.Axelwas like a live wire, electrifying the air around him and ready to explode with the wrong move.

“Signit beforeIlose my shit.”Hetipped my head up by tugging at my hair, eyes seething.Iwould’ve jerked away but realized he’d probably pull my hair out instead of letting go.Isunk my nails into his bicep to force him to loosen his grip when a loud knock interrupted us.Ijumped as if electrocuted.

“MayIcome in?”

Axeldidn’t react but let go of my hair and slowly lowered his hand.Withhis eyes still steadfast on me, he returned to his previous robotic version. “Comein.”

Thedoor to the music room opened with care and three men walked through the doorway.Leviand his comrades.

“Levi,”Axelsnapped. “Itold you not to interrupt me unless it was an emergency.”

Oncemore,Levididn’t give a shit aboutAxel’stone. “Ihave that update you requested.”

Axel’sfrown smoothed out at the news.Whateverit was, he had been waiting for it.Henodded curtly and made for the door. “Watchher,” he threw a haphazard order to the other men over his shoulders.

Myshoulders sagged as soon asLeviandAxelexited the room, the door shutting gracefully behind them.

Ohfuck.Ohfuck.Ineed to get the hell out of here.

“Heis keeping me here against my will,”Ideclared to no one in particular. “Canyou guys help me?”

Neitherman made eye contact, keeping their gazes straight ahead.

“Hekidnapped me after promising to give me a ride home.Ineed to get out of here.”

Irepeatedly pleaded with both men before moving on to the repercussions of being an accomplice to kidnapping.Myphone was charging in plain sight, so if calling the cops was an option without humiliating my family,Iwould have done so already.Theyknew it, too, and were unmoved by my threats and plights.Imoved on to offering them large bribes instead and asked for theirVenmohandles.Thequestion fell on deaf ears.

Indefeat,Islumped against my chair and suspiciously perused the men standing in my way.Theirforms suggested they were from military or law enforcement backgrounds, andIknew it’d be futile to make a run for it.Thishouse was on prison lockdown anyways.

Instead,Ipondered onAxelandLevi’sconversation.Axelseemed interested, which meant it wouldn’t bode well for me.WhatI’dpay to be a fly on the wall while they chatted.Itwas informationAxelwanted, which meant it was informationIneeded.

AxelandLevireturned shortly.Thistime,Axelheld an air of relief that hadn’t existed moments ago.Hewasn’t smiling or jumping for joy, but there was a subtle delight in his expressionIhad never seen before.Outsideof sex, this was the most elationAxelhad exhibited.

Whatthe hell didLevitell him?

“Youcan leave,”Axeltold the men, returning to his frustratingly stoic self.Hisglance fell on me as the men exited. “Let’sgrab dinner,” he said briskly. “Youmust be hungry.”

Myjaw almost hit the ground.

“Whatthe fuck was that?”Iwhisper-yelled, my hand pointing at the door.

Axelwatched me like he had no comprehension of whatIwas referring to. “Nothingfor you to worry about.”

Myhead reeled back.Washe serious?Onlya few moments ago, this lunatic was yanking my hair soI’ddivorce my husband.Thenhe had a conspicuous conversation with his most trusted advisor—presumably, about more dirt on my family—now he was pretending nothing happened.

“Waita minute.Fiveminutes ago, you were blackmailing me into servingJaywith papers.Thenthat man,”Ipointed at the spot whereLevihad stood, “said something to you, and now you have put the conversation on the back burner.”Ibraced myself, straightening my back. “Why?”

Hewas unperturbed by my demand. “Iwanted to give you some time to think about it.”

Ofcourse,Ididn’t believe him.Sincelaying eyes on me again,Axelhad turned my life upside down.Hewasn’t a patient man whereIwas concerned, and it was unlikely he’d give me time to figure a way out of this… not unless there was no way out for me.