Hm.So,Poppyknew of her shortcomings and wanted to fix the issue.Notmany with anti-social personalities would give a fuck… not unless their flaws conflicted with what they desired the most.
Iscanned my mind about the detailsLevihad uncovered about theAmbanifamily.Ifyou were from this family, you were automatically guaranteed a pampered life.However, ifPoppywas like me, she didn’t want a pampered life.Sheaspired to rule over them all.Shecouldn’t do so at a company wholly based on family values.Someoneunstable like her didn’t fit their image.
Theboard members of their company were made up ofAmbani’sfamily members, which meant they were all aware of the little pest’s troublesome past.Theboard approved theCEOs.IfPoppydidn’t clean up her act, they wouldn’t allow her to succeed her father.Ambanididn’t have enough seats on the board, so even if he wanted to, he couldn’t give his precious daughter the reins.
Thereit was, the one thingDaddycouldn’t buy for her and the only thingPoppywanted in life—her father’s empire and the family’s respect.
Thiswas my in withPoppybecause getting ahold of my impulsive behavior was the first thingImastered upon realizingIwas different.Poppydesperately wanted to learn control, andPiyadesperately wanted happiness for her only child.Noone else could helpPoppyin the same way.Ifanyone were to understand a neurodivergent, it was their own kind.
Justlike that, the pieces fell into place.I’doffer to curb the little criminal’s bloodthirst.She’dlook forward to achieving the coveted seat at her father’s side upon graduating college.Thelittle shit would be grateful enough not to cause too much drama when her parents officially separated.AndPiyawould be forever in my debt for solving her daughter’s behavioral issues.
AsIsaid, give people what their hearts desired, and their submission in return was too easy.
“Whathappened with your old roommate?”Iknew the answer but asked to remind everyone at this table wherePoppywas lacking.
Poppyrolled her eyes. “Nothing.Everyonefreaked out becauseIgave her a haircut.”
“Whileshe was asleep,”Piyaadded with a hiss.
Poppyshrugged. “Shetouched my stuff afterIasked her not to.Sheshould’ve known actions have consequences.”
“Thepoor girl has been seeing a therapist for months,” her mother admonished, voice lowering in case of bystanders. “Shestill has nightmares about someone cutting off her hair in her sleep.”
“Idon’t want any repeats of last year,”Piyawarned. “Doyou understand me, young lady?”Piyacringed as soon as she said,young lady.IdoubtPiyathought she’d be the kind of mother who said,young lady.
Colorme curious.
Poppylifted a bored shoulder without verbally committing to her mother’s demands.Shestood and collected her food tray, along with any wrappers or trash.
Mygaze coasted to the other tables in the cafeteria.Theentitled brats ate their meals and left trash and wrappers scattered for the cleaning ladies in the cafeteria.Poppywas the only student who didn’t expect anyone to pick up after her, nor was she turned off from getting her hands dirty.Sheeven wiped down her side of the table with a napkin.
Thekid was a future mogul.Shewas one percent of the upper one percentile demographic and likely richer than most kids here.Whileshe didn’t think twice about cutting someone’s hair off, she considered the cleaning ladies at her school.Interesting.Maybethe kid wasn’t too far gone, more motivation forPiyato heed my advice.
AsPoppyput an empty water bottle on the tray, the little shit asked out of nowhere, “Mr.Trimalchio, canIlook inside your brain?”
“Poppy!Whatare you saying?”Piyareprimanded, mortified. “Thatis not polite.Apologize.”
“Right, sorry.”Poppynodded. “MayIlook inside your brain?” she rephrased, emphasizing the wordmay.
“Poppy,”Piyatried again, sounding exasperated this time while holding onto her temple. “Sweetheart, you can’t—”
“Relax,Mother,” the pest cut her off. “Yousaid you don’t want a repeat of last year, soIhave been broadening my horizon by learning about empathy.”
Piya’seyes hastily glided over, once more uncomfortable with my knowledge of her daughter's… issues.Poppywas aware of the problem.Itappeared that so wasPiya.
“I’mwriting a term paper about the part of the brain that determines empathy.Iwant to do a brain scan onMr.Trimalchioto study the results,”Poppyexplained, taking her food tray to the nearest dispenser and throwing it over her shoulders, “Youonce mentioned he lacked empathy, so he’s the perfect candidate.”
Mysharp glance shifted toPiya.I’llbe damned.“Youtold your daughter about meeting me,”Ismirked.
“Don’tread into this,Mr.Trimalchio,”Piyaleaned over to whisper whilePoppywas momentarily absent from the table. “Wesaw you on television, andImentioned to my daughter in passing thatIhad met you once.Sheasked what you were like, andIsaid you lacked empathy.Trustme, my words were never intended to be kind.”