Page 17 of The Allure of You

“Do you promise not to exact retribution if I let you out of those?” I ask hopefully.

“No.” His answer is flat and much too quick.

“Oh, um.” I squirm on his lap, not sure if I should go get the key now or not.

“Leanne? That punishment is going to increase exponentially for every minute you keep me here.”


Leanne seems disinclined to ask what punishment I have in mind as she slides off my lap, presumably to go fetch the key. I know where it is, but I’m amused that she seems to have located it in advance. And she thinks we have nothing in common?

When the cuffs slide free, I take them from her and eye them with bemusement. I don’t think for a minute that she wouldn’t use them again. I sigh and set them on the counter. Leanne shifts her weight from side to side. I hold in the smile.

“Are you really mad?” she finally asks quietly. I purse my lips while considering my response.

“Mad enough not to tell you what your punishment is until tomorrow.”

She pales. “But that wasn’t even five minutes!”

Meeting her gaze quietly, I point out, “Have I ever once constrained you, baby?”

“You locked me in a dark closet,” she points out quickly.

“With me.”

“It was still locked. And you held my hands while you…” She’s blushing now and I sigh.

“Punishment tomorrow, Leanne. Now, why don’t you show me your apartment so I can see how much stuff you have to move here?”

She blinks at that, frowns, blushes again. “Okay, but I wish you’d just get your mad out now.”

“I doubt that,” I say cryptically, just to rile her up. Truth is, I don’t have an adequate punishment in mind just yet. I could never in a million years hurt her, but I need to regain some control here as well.

I find the perfect solution when she nervously shows me around her small apartment. It’s a jumble of styles — some of which I see as the real her and some as her attempts to find that. Her underwear drawer shows the stark contrast of plain black or white cotton versus the silky bits of lace she has on now. “Pack enough for a few weeks, baby. We’ll get your things moved soon. In the meantime, I want you in my bed.”

Leanne rolls her eyes. “I thought you were mad at me?”

“Not that mad,” I say mildly, eagerly anticipating her reaction in the morning to my instructions.

She sighs and lays a garment bag on the bed. I’m relieved to see only the silky underwear going into her adjacent duffel bag. She gives me a baleful glare and pushes me gently out of the way. I let her. Instead, reaching for her bags when she zips them closed.



I keep eyeballing Dom to find out if he’s really mad at me or not. If he is, he’s keeping it mighty well contained. When he touches me, it’s gentle, but he hasn’ttouchedme except for a few chaste kisses here and there. So maybe he is mad.

We grab a pizza for dinner and watch a movie on the couch, but I confess I’m not really following the story line. My eyes are more interested in tracing the firm line of Dom’s jaw and wondering if he’s going to fuck me again tonight or not.

No, apparently, as he leads me to bed an hour later. “Dom?” I ask as he turns the light off and pulls me close.

“Hmm?” is his only response.

“Aren’t we going to… uh…”

He snorts out a chuckle. “No, and not because of what you think. Not going to hurt you, baby, and you’re still too sore to take me again so soon. Price you pay for that second round this morning.”

His body is relaxed against mine, so I guess he’s being honest. I don’t know what I was expecting, but… maybe I’ll find out in the morning.