Miles and I burst into laughter.




Six years later . . .

“See? It wasn’t so bad, was it?” Ashlyn asks her five-year-old sister.

Nicole giggles, her jade green eyes sparkling with humor. “No, it was fun!”

My shoulders shake with laughter at my younger daughter’s words. Nicole had been afraid of entering the cable car to the blue slopes. Ashlyn had talked her into riding the chairlift instead and held her hand throughout the ride while muttering encouraging words to her.

“Help me with my zipper, Ash?” Nicole implores her older sister.

“Sure.” Ashlyn bends to help her zip it.

Watching Ashlyn be a loving and protective big sister to Nicole always brings warmth to my heart. To think that I’d been so skeptical of bringing a woman into my life because I was afraid my daughter would react negatively. I’m grateful I didn’t take the coward’s way out. It worked out for the best.

“This is breathtaking.”

My attention shifts to my beautiful wife, who is standing beside me, looking stunning in her ski gear.

“Yes, breathtaking,” I reply with a grin.

Giselle rolls her eyes. “You know what I mean.”

I curve a brow. “Do I?”

“You know I was referring to the picturesque scenery.”

“And I was referring to the most beautiful woman in the world, who captured my heart and became the best wife and mother in the world.”

Her sunny smile flips my heart. “And you had to say all that now in public? You couldn’t say it when we were alone back at the hotel?”

Laughter bubbles from my throat as I draw her into my arms. “And what would you have done?”

Her green eyes darken with desire. “You should know.”

“No, I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?”

“Argh! Mom, Dad, would you two please cut it out? You’re not on your honeymoon.”

I pull away at Ashlyn’s exasperated tone. She ought to be used to Giselle and me not being able to take our hands off each other. Six years of marriage, yet the chemistry between us is still as electrifying as the first time we met.

Giving Ashlyn an exasperated look myself, I ask, “Remind me. When are you going off to college again?”

She snorts. “You’ll miss me when I’m gone.”

Nicole tugs on her sister’s blue ski jacket. “Please take me with you, Ash. I don’t want to see their lovey-dovey stuff.”

“Of course!” Ashlyn pulls a strand of Nicole’s red hair behind her ear.

Giselle and I share looks of mock astonishment. She positions her hands on her hips and jocularly glares at her daughters.

“Is this a plot against your dad and me?”