Her lips curl in a dazzling smile. “First, I just threw up the contents of my stomach, and I don’t feel great. Second, I’ve been worried about telling you because I didn’t know what you would think or how you would react.” She eyes me with skepticism. “And you didn’t exactly jump for joy just now when I told you.”

My heart clenches with pain at her presumption that because other men in her past have disappointed and possibly rejected her, I would do the same. I have a tough job ahead in getting her to trust me and forget about her past, just the way she unknowingly helped me overcome my grief at losing Gwen.

“I realize that not telling you about my feelings for you and the conversation you heard has put a dent in your trust in me. But believe me when I say I’m thrilled that we’re having a baby and I don’t think you planned this.”

She gazes at me with wariness. “Do you mean that?”

“I sure do.” I kiss her freckled nose. “Why don’t you lie down? I’ll order breakfast. Do you want anything in particular? Have you started craving weird things?”

She surprises me by laughing softly. “Not you, too. My family already treats me like an antique vase.”

I frown. “They know?”

She nods and shifts her gaze from my face. “I had to tell them. Even if I didn’t, they would easily have guessed the cause of my morning sickness.”

“What did they say?”

She shrugs. “They’re happy for me. They all encouraged me to tell you.”

So, that’s the only reason she agreed to see me? Just to tell me about the baby? My happiness dims a little.

“And they know that no matter how much I tried to hide it, I’ve been miserable without you.”

My head snaps up to hold her gaze. She smiles warmly at me and then looks away.

“Your hesitation with me was particularly hurtful because I had fallen in love with you. I thought you felt the same way, and it wasn’t just sex with you, but hearing you call us a casual fling broke my heart. But I understand now that I took the coward’s way out. I should have simply approached you about what I heard. I would have avoided long weeks of misery.”

I lean forward to gently kiss her lips. “It doesn’t matter anymore. We’re together now. I love you, you love me, and we’re having a baby.” I laugh. “Wait until Ashlyn hears the news. She has been hinting about wanting a baby sister.”

Her alluring smile warms my heart. “It could be a boy.”

I shrug. “We’ll see. Although, I would prefer a baby girl who looks just like her mother.”

Tears glimmer in her eyes.

“I love you, Giselle. Thank you for coming into my life and showing me that I can open my heart to love again.”

“I love you too, Miles. And thank you for restoring my faith in love and my belief that there is a happily ever after for me, just like my parents.”

Overwhelmed by so much love for her, I lean in again to kiss her. Her face contorts into a frown, she puts up her hand, and rushes to the bathroom again. I groan as I realize that I’m about to find out what having a pregnant girlfriend really entails.

I order a healthy breakfast while Giselle is cleaning up. We call Ashlyn and my parents to tell them the good news. They’re elated. After eating, we go to the Louvre where I, at last, meet Pierre. He looks crestfallen when Giselle introduces me to him, and I can’t help feeling a little sorry for him. He, however, takes Giselle’s rejection on the chin and shakes my hand.

“Congratulations. You’re one lucky man.”

“Indeed.” I nod with my arm around Giselle’s shoulders.

We embark on a quick tour of the museum before having lunch at the Café Marly. By evening, she’s feeling much better, and we make love again in my hotel room before we go to her parents’ apartment for dinner. It’s a great pleasure to see Gabriel and Maddie again. I’m surprised to see that, although Giselle and her sister share a resemblance, Josephine is nothing at all like her. There’s a toughness in Josephine that Giselle doesn’t have. Her parents are very welcoming. I sense no censure in them at having caused Giselle so much heartache.

We enjoy a pleasant dinner, and we take our leave after thanking them for a great evening.

“If you don’t mind, I’d love for Ashlyn to join us. Maddie would be delighted, and I would love to get to know her better,” Giselle says when we’re outside her apartment.

I gaze at her with surprise. “Are you serious?”

She nods and puts her arm around me. “We could have a lovely holiday with her. Has she been to Paris before?”

I shake my head. “Not yet. We’ve only been to Morzine for skiing.”