“Don’t let me keep you.”
However, I’m unable to resist the temptation of speaking to her.
“Might I have a brief word with you, Ms. Bartholomay? It’s about an event I want organized.”
Despite her blank facial expression, it’s obvious that she’s displeased by my request. She looks at Mrs. Stone, who nods and smiles.
“We’ll be waiting at the entrance, Giselle,” Mrs. Stone says before she and the three other women move away.
I wait for a few seconds until they’re out of earshot before asking, “Why didn’t you tell me you work here?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you’re on the Board of Trustees?” she retorts sharply.
I search her face for any sign of the girl who had muttered my name repeatedly as I fucked her, but all I see is a stranger laced with iciness.
I open my mouth to apologize for the way I left on Sunday morning, but she forestalls me.
“Which event do you wish to talk about, Mr. Carrey?”
“Giselle, I—”
“Mr. Carrey, perhaps we should leave this conversation for when you have more details. My colleagues are waiting. Pardon me.”
Before I can say another word, she stuns me by giving me an icy smile and walking away. I stand there, staring after her as she hurries to join her colleagues in the semi-crowded lobby.
Although I’m furious at her reaction, I can’t say I blame her. If I were the one who had woken up alone in a hotel room with only a brief note, I’d be pissed too.
But I realized I made a mistake and have been regretting that there was no way to get in touch. I rub a hand across my chin. Running into her again by chance in a big city like this must be a sign. Usually, I don’t date, but I know now I’ll want to see her again. As she’s clearly annoyed by me, I’ll need to find a way to make it up to her.
As I turn away to head for my meeting, which I’m now almost late for, my face relaxes into a smile. I’ve never been one to pass on a challenge.
I’ll surely have another wonderful day . . . and night with Giselle Bartholomay.
This is childish, Gigi.
Shaking my head at what I’ve reduced myself to, I leave my hiding spot and stroll across the Great Hall. I regret telling my colleagues to go ahead, staying behind with the excuse of wanting to tidy up a few things in the office. The wariness of seeing Miles again made me linger in my office for some time after the end of the day. And now I feel silly. The only justification I have for such a pointless act is that seeing him again a few hours ago shocked me. And to think that I would most likely be unable to avoid him again. We might even work together, since he’s on the Board of Trustees.
As I finally decide to head home on this balmy October evening, I’m completely oblivious to my surroundings, the blaring of horns, the throng of pedestrians, and the usual rush hour traffic. My thoughts are fixed on Miles and his effrontery at approaching me to demand why I didn’t tell him I worked at the museum. The gall of the man, especially after leaving me in the hotel room the way he did. If we had been alone, I would have slapped him hard across the face for his audacity.
Remorse fills me once more as I wonder again why I let down my guard with a guy I barely knew. As progressive as I am, I have never slept with someone I just met. And for good reason, it appears. Heck, it took a while for my ex-boyfriend to get me into his bed. So why was Miles different? He’s not the only handsome man I’ve known.
No doubt he approached me earlier thinking I would jump at the chance to hook up again. He has another thing coming if he thinks I’ll be so gullible. The only recourse now is to stay out of his way as much as possible.
Casting thoughts of him aside, I let myself into my apartment. When I get there, I can’t believe I spent the twenty-minute walk thinking about him. My mood turns for the better when I see my niece watching television next to her babysitter.
“Aunt Gigi!” She hurries to throw her arms around me. Warmth floods me like it usually does when she hugs me.
Gabriel won’t be home until later in the evening. He is a neurosurgeon at a downtown hospital, and he works long hours. After changing into a t-shirt and shorts, I join Maddie to watch SpongeBob SquarePants. Seeing it as an opportunity to spend some alone time with my niece, I send the babysitter away.
“What do you say we make dinner together?” I suggest.
She beams. “Yay!”