Page 29 of Never Let Me Go

“Uncle Bill,” I tell her honestly and she rolls her eyes.

“Who else?”

I throw her a look. Seriously? “Anica. I thought you were here to get to know the real me. But then you won’t accept my answers.”

Anica glares at me and a ghost of a smile flitters over her lips. “If you’ve been inside me, you get to call me Ani.”

My mouth falls open. I think that may be the first time she’s ever joked around with me. I should at least reward her for that. “Well,Ani.”

She flushes when I use her nickname, but keeps her face schooled in a neutral expression. Yeah, she liked that. I did too.

“I suppose I also consider Richard Branson to know what he’s doing.”

“Billionaires,” she mutters under her breath, like it’s a dirty word. Yeah, we stick together.

“They clearly know what they’re doing.”

She shrugs noncommittally, so I change the subject, asking her about her time at college in Chicago. We always talk about me. It makes me feel like I’m constantly being profiled. I want it to feel more like an actual conversation.

When Ani cleans up after dinner, it’s on the tip of my tongue to ask her to come back to bed with me, but she offers me a small smile, bids me goodnight, and disappears. Maybe tomorrow night. I can pace myself. She’s going to be in my space for the foreseeable future. There will be plenty of time to be buried balls deep in her.

Chapter Thirteen


Crap. I’m running late. So late. I may have spentwaytoo much time in bed last night staring at the ceiling with a goofy smile, reliving my shower moment with David. Now I don’t even have time for breakfast. Thank goodness, when I emerge, smoothing my bun, David has made coffee. He offers me a warm smile, holding out a to-go cup.

“We’re late.”


“That’s okay. But you’ll have to take your coffee in the car.”

“At least I get coffee.”

He grins, his hand landing on my lower back as he guides me out of the condo to the elevator. I lift my to-go cup to my lips, my breath catching as his fingers stroke through my blouse.

He scrolls through his phone in the car until the driver meets his eye in the mirror. “I’ve sent the signed contract back to your secretary.”

David’s phone disappears at the statement. I keep my eyes locked on the people on the sidewalk beside us, but I’m totally eavesdropping.

“Do you need to give notice?”

“I already did. I can leave immediately if I forfeit any benefits owing.”

“Email Christine what you’re losing out on. We’ll meet the difference.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“You can start on Thursday. It’s when the vehicles are being delivered. But see Christine in my office today, and she can organize the keys to the condo.”

Huh. I think David is hiring his driver full time. That’s cool. I’ll have to speak to him about what town car service I use if he doesn’t have a contract with one anymore. Maybe there’s one he’d suggest for Haven Property employees.

The car pulls up outside the Haven Property offices, and I smile at the driver as he opens my door. David is engrossed in his phone again as we travel up the elevator, though he keeps his hand on my lower back, and definitely strokes me a few times. If he keeps this up, I’m going to need to duck out to buy more panties. Mine will bedrenched.

David offers me a distracted smile as we step out of the elevator, wandering off toward his office. Right. Work. We’re here to work. I hurry to my office, locking myself in and moving to the window. The view here is nice too. Every view David has is nice. He must love them as much as I do. This one is of buildings. But that’s cool.

Clutching my to-go cup of coffee, I stare out the window, not really paying attention to the view. I’m feeling off-balance today. And not only because I had sex for the first time in almost eight months. No, I’m feeling off-balance because I had sex withDavid. Or rather, because David had sex withme. If I’m being honest, before I came on this trip, I did my fair share of Googling. I mean, I wanted to be armed with as muchknowledge as possible of the man that I was effectively going to be profiling for this design. I may have gotten caught up in Google images. There are plenty of photographs of David for public consumption.