Page 97 of Fierce-Gabe

“No,” he said. “I don’t think it matters.”

“You keep telling yourself that,” Jocelyn said.

“I can handle it,” he said.

He went back to his office since it was close to five. His crews stopped working about thirty minutes ago and went on their way. He had some work to do and he’d do it from home tonight.

Even if their relationship was out in the open, he knew Elise wasn’t going to start staying at his house much during the week. She wouldn’t want him at her place either.

They weren’t there yet no matter how much he wished they were.

This was going to be the turtle and the hare type of race. He’d have to slow down and match her and be happy with it.

He was holding onto the fact Richard came to see him and told him to keep making Elise happy. That was important in his eyes.

When his phone went off with a text ten minutes later, he noticed it was the woman on his mind way too much lately.

He read her text and decided to call her. No reason not to now.

“Hello,” she said. “Are you done for the day?”

“I am,” he said. “Back at my office getting a few things to work on tonight. What about you?”

“I left at four thirty. I’m home now.”

“Your father came to talk to me,” he said. He’d be transparent about that.

“I heard,” she said.

“Oh,” he said. “What did he tell you?”

“That he told you I’m in a much better mood and he hopes you keep me there.”

He laughed at her dry tone of voice. “I don’t think he phrased it that way.”

“With me he did,” she said, laughing.

He was happy she was finding humor in it at least.

“Don’t worry about it. Things should be easier now, don’t you think? Everyone knows. Even the Fierces.”

“I heard that too,” she said.

He wondered if she knew about the gathering at the building. He might get bonus points there.

“Did you hear how they found out?” he asked.

“No,” she said. “I just expected that they sent each other texts or maybe called. I might have told my father to make sure your name was taken off the list.”

He was glad they were being so open and honest with each other.

“There was a little meeting of the men’s minds at the building today,” he said. “After, your father came up to talk to me. I don’t know everything said.” Which was the truth. “Just that if we didn’t give that information about us, I don’t know if they would have been to the building all at once.”

“Most likely not,” she said. “At least not the Fierces. Probably not even my father. You aren’t ready for our work yet.”

“We’ve got another month of work and we should be out of here,” he said. “No later than the end of April. I know your brother is finishing up the last of the spaces that are leased out at the other building.”

“And my father said Grant and Garrett have some potential people for the new building they are talking with.”