“Tell me about it,” Grant said. “I told you that I caught Gabe sneaking around the corner after he’d been talking to Elise.”
Jim shook his head. “We’d been saying things to Gabe the whole time about staring at her. Anyone could see what was going on if they bothered to look.”
“From Gabe but not Elise,” Richard said. “My daughter is a vault. I haven’t gotten anything out of her no matter how much I try.”
“Carolyn is going to say something soon,” he said.
“What?” Richard asked.
He knew his wife could be somewhat sneaky and maybe it was time they took matters into their own hands now even though Gabe said he had it.
He must not if he slipped and asked Grant for advice...even if he retracted it a minute later.
“Nothing horrible. Maybe a nudge to get the ball rolling. It won’t backfire, don’t worry.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” Richard said. “I’m just glad we got through this day with my ex here. She behaved as best as she could and left almost an hour ago.”
He shook his head over that, but it wasn’t his business. As long as Becky didn’t make their plan more difficult he didn’t care.
“Gabe is itching to let people know,” Jim said.
“Why isn’t he then?” Grant asked.
“You can’t push my daughter,” Richard said.
Garrett nudged his brother’s arm. “You know that. Jade is the same way. Just because you’re impatient.”
“We all are,” Grant said.
“Maybe you should focus on someone else,” Richard said. “This could take some time.”
“Our wives always have someone in mind,” he said. There was no shortage of potential targets here today.
On the top of the list was Chloe’s brother, Dane, and Royce’s best man, Zander.
Both were going to be difficult and his brain couldn’t focus on it now.
Two at once was hard enough, and though Trent and Roni were going strong, nothing was finalized in his eyes unless there was a ring on the finger.
“That’s good,” Jim said. “We can still work on Gabe, but again, I think it’s more Elise that is being the stubborn one.”
“That’s a good description of my daughter,” Richard said. “Oops, here she comes.”
They turned and saw Elise walking over. “You guys better not all be talking about work. It’s a party.”
“No work,” Richard said. “Just having a beer and chatting. Did you come over here to scold me?”
“I’d never do that, Dad.”
Richard laughed and closed one eye at his daughter. “Yes, you would.”
“Fine, I would. But not today. I’m in too good of a mood. I just wanted to know when you thought you were leaving and remind you not to leave without me. I need to get my car.”
Richard put his arm around his daughter. “I’d never forget you. You’d never let me live it down if I did. We’ll leave when they close down the room. Or do you have plans or somewhere to go?”
“Nope,” she said. “No plans. Just need to get out of this dress.”
“You do look lovely in it,” Jim said.