Page 51 of Fierce-Gabe

“You don’t get it,” she said, running her hands through her hair. “I mess everything up and just did it again. I shouldn’t have done this.”

He moved closer to her and gripped her arms to get her to look at him and not around for her socks. He was positive she was going to get her shoes on by the front door and leave and he wanted to talk this out first.

“Don’t do it again,” he said firmly. “Talk to me.”

She shrugged his arms off and moved back. He held his hands up in surrender. He didn’t want to hurt her, but she didn’t seem to care that she was hurting him and he didn’t even know why.

“There isn’t anything to say. You hate people that use you and that is exactly what I did.”

He laughed. “It seems to me we both got something out of that.”

“It’s not funny and don’t try to be cute. You don’t understand.”

“Because you’re not telling me so that I can understand.”

“I had a bad day,” she said. “I was frustrated and pissed. And rather than go home and let it go I came here to get off. That’s using you.”

He ran his hand through his hair. “No,” he said. “We are human and need a release. I’m glad I could give it to you. If you talked to me first we would have still ended up on my bed. But maybe we could have avoided you feeling like shit about it.”

“I’m bound and determined to mess everything up in my life. Every relationship is just one cluster fuck after another because I just don’t make the right decisions.”

“You’re pissing me off right now. I didn’t think you’d be the type to play the martyr.”

“Gabe, there is so much you don’t know or understand.”

“Because you won’t tell me!” he shouted.

He never lost his cool, but he was hopelessly trying to salvage what they just had. What he knew they could have between them.

“Get out of my way,” she said.

He wanted to grab her arm to get her to stay, but he wasn’t going to beg anyone.

He followed her down the stairs and got in front of her before she opened the door. “Take a deep breath. Talk to me. Please.”

“I can’t,” she said. There were tears in her eyes now and this wasn’t anger. This was something deeper than he’d ever understand and he was wondering if it went back to their first time together.

He’d accused her of using him as her first.

Of being someone she wasn’t when he brought her to his room and then she wanted no part of him after.

He’d tried to get her to talk for days, but she blew him off.

He wasn’t going to beg anyone back then.

“You’re going to throw this away again?” he asked.

“I don’t know if we ever had a shot to begin with,” she said, then opened the door and left.

Gabe stood in the doorway and watched her brake lights at the corner and went back in the house and slammed the door.

He went into the kitchen to get some water. His throat felt as if it was going to close right up faster than a bee sting to the jugular.

He opened the top and drank half of it standing there.

Nope. It didn’t help and only caused him to cough.

He tossed the open bottle in the sink where it drained out.