Yep, she knew the things her mother wanted out of a marriage.
First and foremost a cushy wealthy life.
But to get those things her father had to bust his ass...and he did.
Why? Because he loved his wife and wanted to make the mother of his children happy.
What everyone realized quickly was that Becky Kennedy-Vern was never going to be happy if she didn’t get what she wantedexactly.
Life just didn’t work that way.
So her mother up and left to get what she wanted. When she realized that people were judging her for leaving her kids behind, things changed. Too late, Elise wasn’t going and stood her ground. No one wants to be where they aren’t wanted.
“It should be about what the woman wants,” her mother said primly.
“Says who? You? What you don’t realize is that Dad gave it to you, but it wasn’t enough.”
“No, he didn’t,” her mother argued. “He still went to work daily and got all hot and sweaty. I hated that. He could have showered somewhere before he came home.”
Back then her father didn’t have the thriving business he did now. He didn’t have a nice modern office with a shower between his and Royce’s offices.
Royce must have been just as broken as her to have done that. Or maybe it was her father that wanted it for them both.
She knew it was used but not often.
“He was your husband. Through sickness and health. A little bit of dirt and sweat shouldn’t make a difference. But I forgot. It did to you.”
“You wouldn’t understand,” her mother said. “You’d have to be more womanly than you are to get it.”
“When I find a guy, he’s not going to give a shit what I’m wearing or if I’ve got five layers of makeup on.”
“One layer would be an improvement. I don’t know why you don’t try just a little.”
Elise growled. “Did you only call because you wanted to criticize how I look and act again?”
“No,” her mother said calmly. Like she could flip a switch after she lit everyone else up in the room. “I’d like to have a dinner party and have you and Royce and Chloe come to town next weekend. Sunday works for me. I figured Royce would be more willing to come if you were there.”
She laughed. Not a funny sound either.
“If you want Royce there, ask him yourself,” she said. “As for me. I don’t think so. I’ve got plans.”
“Plans?” her mother asked. “You never have plans.”
“If you talked to me rather than trying to lecture you’d know more about my life. But considering this joyful conversation we are having, I think we both need to keep some space again. You’re good with going months without talking. You’ve done it most of my life.”
“You never reach out to me,” her mother said.
“Is it any wonder when all we do is fight?”
“That’s on you,” her mother snapped. “Just like your father, you always want to argue.”
“Did you ever stop to think that you just bring the worst out of people?”
“Then I guess it should be like looking in the mirror because you do the same.”
She hung the phone up after that and let out a loud snarl.
“What is going on?”