Page 41 of Fierce-Gabe

“Then I’ll cook for you tonight. I’ll text you my address. What time works for you?”

“Is six good?” he asked. “I’ve got a few things to finish up and then go home, shower and change.”

She wished he didn’t say the word shower. Now she had him naked in her head.

He was much bigger than he was at nineteen. Not in height but in muscle.

Being so long ago, her first, and them drinking, you’d think she wouldn’t have as many memories of his body as she did.

She was starting to wonder if she was building things there that weren’t in her attempt to figure her life out.

She’d replayed that night and those days and weeks following so much in her head that she didn’t know truth from fiction at this point.

“Anything you don’t like to eat?”

“Liver, onions, and vegetables that smell like the sewer. Anything else, I’ll eat.”

She laughed. “That’s a pretty good description of things. I’ll stay away from broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.”

“Don’t forget about the onion. They give me heartburn even though I like them. I don’t need to be burping on a date.”

She started to laugh. He did have a good personality if she could see past her hatred from things in her mind.

“No onions,” she said. “I’ll try to keep it simple and manly enough for you.”

“Not sure what that means, but I’ll take it. See you tonight, Elise.”

“Bye,” she said and hung up.

She closed her computer down. It was close to four at this point. No reason to stick around.

She got her coat and purse and went to her father’s office. “I’m taking off for the weekend.”

“Good,” her father said. “I’m not far behind you. Hope you take my advice and relax a little. Go have some fun.”

“I will,” she said. It was as close as she was getting to admitting what she had planned. Knowing that the Fierces were trying to set her up, there was no way she was letting anyone know she had a date and with whom.

If they got wind of this, they’d be on it like stink on the broccoli that Gabe didn’t like.

She had no idea where this was going or if it would be anything more than one date.

Correction—two dates if they counted the tacos. She was guessing he did.

Whatever this was, it had to stay between them. Just like their past was too.



Gabe pulled in front of the townhouse that Elise lived in. He parked next to her Lexus SUV and got out, then walked to the end unit and rang the bell.

The door was opened ten seconds later.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hey,” he said back. It shouldn’t be awkward, but it was for some reason.

“Come in.”