Page 142 of Fierce-Gabe

“Wedding?” she asked. Her throat just tightened up.

He got down on one knee and pulled a massive diamond out of his pocket. “Elise. I’m not waiting another day. I just can’t. It’s been long enough. Will you be my wife?”

She was crying now. Happy tears that she wasn’t sure she’d ever shed. “On one condition,” she said.

She saw the frown on his face. “What’s that?”

“That you sing that to me on our wedding day. Record it if you have to. It has to come from you. As you said, it’s our theme song.”

“Deal!” he said.

“Then yes, I’ll marry you!”

Grant Fierce feltthe phone ring in his pocket and pulled it out. He was in Charlotte at his brother Gavin’s house for their annual July Fourth party with all his kids and grandkids. His brother Garrett was here with his kids and grandkids too.

He saw the call coming from Gabe and immediately thought something had to be going on with one of their projects.

He nodded his head to Garrett and the two of them walked over to the corner of the property where they’d have some privacy for the call.

“Hello,” he said. “What’s going on, Gabe?”

“Elise needed to tell you something,” Gabe said. “Are you alone?”

He frowned and looked at his brother. “Garrett is here with me. We moved away from the party because we thought there was a problem.”

“No problem,” Elise said. “Just wanted to thank you two and you can convey it to your wives too.”

“Thank us?” he asked. He knew his grin was matching his twin’s. Elise had called him after their Memorial Day party to talk. She said she was an idiot and felt like a fool and hoped that no one was mad at her.

“Yes,” Elise said. “Gabe just proposed to me in the most beautiful way possible.”

“What?!” he shouted. There were a lot of heads turning when he said that and their wives came running. Talk about a fast turnaround!

“Wow,” Gabe said. “That might have blown my eardrums out. Isn’t it what you guys wanted all along?”

“Yes,” Garrett said. “But we didn’t expect it this soon. Congratulations.”

“What’s going on?” Diane asked him. “Put it on speakerphone.”

“It’s Gabe,” he said and hit the button. “He just proposed to Elise and she wanted to thank me.”

“Thankyou?” Diane shouted excitedly. “She should be thanking me and Carolyn. We are the ones that got her to finally tell everyone about the relationship.”

He heard the gasp from Elise. “That was a lie?” Elise asked. “You made up the fact that you had someone picked out for Gabe?”

His wife laughed. “Elise. I thought you figured it out weeks ago that we knew all along and you were the only one that didn’t. You didn’t realize that part either?”

“No,” Elise said, whining. “Now I’m back to looking like an idiot.”

“No idiot,” Carolyn said. “It’s just we are better than any of you guys will ever think. Remember that and spread the word.”

Grant started to laugh as he looked at his wife, brother and sister-in-law.

“Heard,” Elise said.

“Congrats again,” they all said and then hung up.

Jolene had made her way over. “Is that what I thought it was?”