“That’s right,” Diane said. “When you find the right person, none of that matters. Ask anyone here.”
Elise laughed because she felt like she had no choice in the matter. Looking around the backyard at all of Diane and Carolyn’s kids, she saw what Diane was saying.
It wasn’t only their kids but other couples too that she knew she’d meet. Plenty she’d heard about so it’d be nice to get faces and names.
“Guess you guys do good work,” she said, smirking. “But we beat you to it with us.”
Diane looked at Gabe quickly and laughed. “You did,” Diane said. “Good on you. Let me introduce you to a few you might not know.”
“Guess introductions are being taken care of first,” he whispered in her ear.
“This is Mick McNamara and his wife, Lindsey. The beautiful little girl running around them is Ava and she’s almost three. It’s so hard to believe. Mick is best friends with Wyatt.”
“So that is how you decided to set them up?” she asked. “How did you know Lindsey?”
“I’m Adrianna’s stepsister and Stella’s older sister,” she said. “You’ve met Stella, correct?”
“I have,” she said. “I guess I didn’t put that together. How is Stella doing? They won’t be here today, right?”
Stella and Walker Olsen had their daughter last week. A little girl named Kendra. Funny how time just seemed to be flying by from when they started the first building with the Olsens involved and now Royce would start working on space in the second building next week. More than one space at once too.
Work was building faster than her feelings for Gabe.
Maybe that was why she wanted to say she understood his career and time because she felt like part of it was on her not being around either.
“No,” Lindsey said. “They won’t be here.”
“And this is Julia,” Diane said. “She’s Mick’s sister. Flynn works with Sam.”
“We work with Mick too,” Flynn said. “Though we try to avoid him in the basement.”
“I’m a medical examiner. No one likes coming to the morgue.”
“Man, you ladies do connect the dots,” Elise said.
“It’s all part of the fun,” Carolyn said, coming over. “We are so glad you could join us today. Do you know the rest of the people here other than maybe some of the parents of those we’ve set up?”
She looked around at the Fierce kids. She knew the Davenports. “I think I know most of them. Have you ladies picked your next setup since we foiled this for you?”
She heard laughter and saw Jade moving over. “They never think anything is foiled. But why don’t you come over by us?”
She laughed at the look on Carolyn’s and Diane’s faces but couldn’t figure out why they were frowning or looking panicked.
“You made it,” Chloe said.
“We did,” she said. There were so many children here. Most running around, others in arms or sitting on blankets or in chairs.
Willow was nowhere to be found until she located her father with his granddaughter showing her off to Robert Olson and his wife, Bridget.
“Can I have everyone’s attention?” Ryder asked. “Most of the family and close friends are here. I know more are coming, but it seems the time to do this.”
“Oh dear,” she heard Diane say and grab Grant’s arm. She noticed Carolyn, Garrett, Diane and Grant were standing together with their heads bent talking the minute she and Gabe moved away.
“Ryder,” Marissa said. “You always have to make a production out of everything.”
“You can’t be part of this family without that,” Ryder said, smirking.