Page 126 of Fierce-Gabe

He laughed. “That might be the best option.”

“My point is, I guess when everything else in your life is going so well, you look at the things around you that cause you distress or distrust and try to figure out if they have that big of a hold on you to bring you down.”

“Those are some pretty profound words,” he said.

“They are. I’m smarter than the average bear,” she said, giggling.

“I’m glad I helped make you so happy,” he said, grinning.

“My father told you to,” she said.

They got back to his place and she parked in the garage. “I’m about to make you even happier,” he said.

“That is a given,” she said. “I’ve been primed and ready to go since you got on stage.”

He stopped when he got in the house and turned to look at her. “Did you send me up there on purpose? To turn you on?”

She slapped his ass. “No. I mean I watched you staring at the stage and you had this look in your eye. Kind of like longing.”

“You mean the look I’ve got now when I stare at you?” he asked.

She tilted her head to the side. “Yeah,” she said softly. “I guess that’s it.”

“There you go,” he said.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs and then to his room. “So yeah. You got up there and started to sing and my panties got damp and have stayed that way. Even on stage singing with the girls, I wanted that song to go faster so that we could get out of there and come back here. Then I could tell you the other surprise I had.”

“I like surprises in the bedroom,” he said.

They got to his room and she spun him, nudged him on the bed to sit and then stepped back. “No, I’m not dancing for you. I see it in your eyes. I dance as well as I sing.”

“Well then,” he said, “moving on. What’s the surprise?”

“I got a little shot in my arm last month.”

“A shot?” he asked. He had no idea what she was talking about and why that was a big surprise.

“Birth control,” she said, crossing her eyes at him.

He rolled his eyes and reached for her to pull her on his lap on the edge of the bed. Her legs spread and her knees went around him.

“Now that is a great surprise. Are you sure?”

“Very sure. I’ve never felt skin-to-skin down there before.”

“Me neither,” he said.

“Ever?” she asked. “I know you said you had a few longer relationships at one point.”

He had, but nothing so long term that he wanted to risk a child.

Though a condom didn’t always mean anything...Royce and Chloe would be the first to say that.

He still felt as if he wanted that control over the situation though.

With Elise, he just wanted to be himself.

He wanted her to take the lead.