Page 123 of Fierce-Gabe

“We can take you to your table,” the hostess said.

“There are six more coming,” Chloe said. “They should be here soon.”

“We’ll bring them back when they arrive unless you’d like to wait here,” the hostess said.

She noticed the people crowding in. “We’ll go to the table,” Royce said.

As they were turning to walk back, Jonah and Megan showed up. Yeah, no way they could wait in that small area. Royce and Gabe were big men to begin with. But Jonah just dominated the space. Trent and Cody were both over six feet but nothing like Royce and Gabe in terms of muscle and size.

She knew it had more to do with their careers. Cody was a physical therapist and Trent an attorney. They weren’t throwing materials and tools around like Royce and Gabe most of their adult lives.

No, neither her brother nor Gabe did it as much now, but they still worked hard and joined in when they needed to.

She’d seen Gabe coming home covered in sweat and dirt a few times where he had to jump in and help. It wasn’t beneathhim because his name was on the trucks out front or that he had an engineering degree.

The six of them were seated and they placed their drink orders. Before the drinks were brought out, Trent, Roni, Cody and Raina arrived.

“Do we just want to order a bunch of appetizers?” Raina asked. “I’m starving.”

“You’re always hungry,” Cody said.

It was the smirk on his face that told her something more was going on. She wouldn’t ask.

She didn’t need to. Megan and Roni started to laugh and then Chloe asked, “Are you pregnant?”

“I am,” Raina said. “No alcohol for me, but plenty of food.”

“Oh my God,” Chloe said. “When did you find out? When did you tell everyone? You work fast since you just graduated.”

Elise knew Raina had gone back to college nights to get her engineering degree. She graduated last week and she’d been told Raina was now an engineer at Fierce. Her friend’s dream come true. Raina would now be working on some of the plans for the new project under Chloe.

“We told the family last night,” Raina said. “I’m sure the Fierces will find out by Monday if they don’t already know. Well, Ryder and Marissa know. We told them last night too.”

Ryder’s wife, Marissa, was Cody’s sister. Elise knew all the players in the game at this point.

“Then that must mean the Fierces know,” she said.

“Nope,” Cody said. “Ryder said it’s more fun not to tell them and then later say they knew first.”

“They will probably just brag they created this kid too like they did setting you all up,” Elise said. “And congrats on the baby.”

There were a lot of looks at her when she made the comment about everyone being set up, but no one said a word about her relationship.

In her mind, she didn’t fall into that group. She and Gabe knew each other before. No one else could say that at this table, but they weren’t going to admit the history they had either.

When the waitress came back with all the drinks, they ordered more appetizers than she could count but figured they’d get eaten. She was hungry herself.

Ninety minutes later their dinner plates had been cleared, she switched from her wine to a soda and would let Gabe have another drink.

A few desserts were ordered and then the manager of the pub got up and said they were starting karaoke and asking who wanted to get up there first.

She had no clue this was happening tonight, but they all sat back and watched people jump up and butcher one song after another.

When the last group of girls on stage were done and fairly drunk, they were shouting into the microphone to see who was next and she just decided to have some fun.

She started to point to Gabe. “This guy right here. Go on, Gabe. Show them how it’s done.”

He turned and smirked at her but didn’t get up.