She looked around at the trucks. He got the feeling she might come here often. He would have come daily if it was this close.
“I’m in the mood for tacos. They are fast and easy.”
“Lead the way to the truck. Works for me. I’d be living here if I had something this close. I don’t cook much.”
“I don’t come that often. Only if I’m in the mood. Royce used to come here more often. Like you, he didn’t cook much. Now he’s got Chloe taking care of the food.”
“Lucky bastard,” he said. They got in line. “My sister has been feeding me lately.”
“Jocelyn, right?” she asked.
“So you do know a little about me.”
“Hard not to lately. My father seems rather chatty in the past year or so. Twins with Jayce and they are younger than you?”
“They are,” he said. “Jayce is living his best life on the road. Jocelyn is a homebody like me.”
She turned to look at him in line. “I didn’t know that about you.”
“You never asked.”
They got to the line. “Number three,” she said.
He should have been paying attention to what was on the menu and glanced quickly to see she got the triple tacos. One each of steak, chicken and pork.
“I’ll have the same,” he said before Elise could pay. He pulled his wallet out and handed over the cash for both and gave his name.
They moved to the side while their order was prepared and more were taken.
“Thanks,” she said. “Normally your father comes over for things.”
“They are in Hawaii enjoying the sun.”
“Good for them,” she said. “I’m surprised my father never said a word about it. If he did I would have told him to take a vacation too, but he won’t go alone.”
“My mother has been wanting to go on vacation for a while. She can’t get my father away. Would you be surprised that when you and I talked it got me thinking that life is too short and I called Jocelyn to see if we could convince them to go? My motherjumped at it once all three kids were pushing. Of course I’m her favorite and she listens to me.”
He was laughing and she smiled back.
“I want to say my father doesn’t have favorites, but, Daddy’s girl here.”
“I can see it,” he said. “Your father talks about you a lot.”
“Not surprised,” she said.
He didn’t think she had any clue that her father or the Fierces were trying to set them up. No way with her comment earlier about people seeing what she wanted them to.
It most likely had more to do with Richard just bragging about his daughter the way parents do.
His name was called and they got their food. The wind was blowing a little. It was mid-fifties out and not horrible with their jackets. The sun was out at least.
“Do we eat outside at one of the picnic tables or in my truck? Or are you going to take your lunch and scram back to the office and away from me?”
He could tell by the look on her face the last one might have been the option she hoped to achieve.
“We can eat at the table if you don’t mind.”
“Sure,” he said. “I’m used to working outside.”