Page 33 of Fierce-Gabe

Comfort food for him whenever he came home from college too.

“Only you think that,” Jocelyn said.

“I know better than to ask,” he said. “I just appreciate finding the food in my fridge and not having to run out and buy something.” Which reminded him to get her a gift card somewhere too. It’d be the least he could do.

“You know I cook all the time. Sometimes I get sick of eating it for days on end, so you’re getting a day’s worth of it. It saves me from throwing out a serving.”

“Don’t throw food out,” he said. “That’s appalling when you’ve got a brother to eat it.”

“I know that,” she said. “I’m just stating a fact. If you weren’t calling about food, what were you calling about?”

“Mom and Dad,” he said.

“What about them?”

“I think they need to go on a vacation, don’t you?”

“I’ve been saying it for a while. I know Mom would like to go somewhere warm before the work starts in a few weeks. The holidays were hard.”

“Do you think we can talk them into it? Maybe we can get Dad to surprise Mom and take her away in a few weeks?”

“Do you know how hard it will be to find a place warm to go in a week? Or how expensive it might be to fly there last minute?”

“Money isn’t an issue.”

“No,” Jocelyn said. “But Mom will argue it is.”

“Then how about we pay for the hotel and they just have to book their own flights? I’m sure Jayce will do it.”

His siblings had no financial issues that he was aware of. He’d pay for it if they did, but he knew they’d get all pissy if he did it on his own. It’d happened in the past.

“I’m for it,” Jocelyn said. “But how do we do this? And why are you thinking of it now?”

“I had an epiphany,” he said.

“I doubt that but whatever works. Do you want me to talk to Mom or you to Dad?”

“I’m going to call Mom,” he said. “I’m her favorite.”

“You always have to rub that in,” his sister said.

“It’s a fact.”

“You keep telling yourself that.”

He hung up with his sister and sent a text to Jayce. His brother was on board so he called his mother. In his eyes his parents owed him for trying to set him up. He was going to use that to his advantage.

“What’s going on, Gabe?” his mother asked when she answered.

“We want you to go away somewhere nice. No arguments. The holidays are over. You worked yourself too hard like you always do and we love and appreciate it and now it’s your turn to go sit on a beach.”

His mother laughed on the other end. “That’s a nice thought, but you know your father isn’t always keen on vacations.”

“Jayce, Jocelyn and I are going to pay for your hotel. All you need to do is get the flights. Go in the next three weeks before we really get busy. You know once we start on the new building there will be no breaks. Take advantage now.”

There was a ten second period of silence. “Seriously?”

“Yes,” he said. “Check with Jayce and Jocelyn if you want, but I talked to them.”