Page 138 of Fierce-Gabe

“These kids,” Grant said. “We are right in their faces about it. How can they be so blind?”

“Love will do that,” he said.

He heard Grant laugh on the other line. “Yes, it will.”



Gabe heard the knocking at his door Tuesday morning when he got out of the shower.

What the hell? No one came to the house this early.

He grabbed his underwear and jeans and threw them on while he was still wet and almost tripping over his feet to get them yanked up.

Stumbling down the steps while he tried to kick his heel out of the bottom and button them, he got to the door and flung it open.

There was Elise looking fresh as could be with a tray of coffee and a bag in her hands.

The smell coming out of it told him he was getting something with bacon.

He was pretty sure the confusion was flashing on his face like a neon sign on the Vegas strip.

“Sorry for the early call. I’ve got breakfast.” She held up the tray and bag at once, a big smile on her face. One that was forced.

“So I see,” he said. “Can I ask what is going on?”

“I couldn’t sleep,” she said. “I didn’t want to wait to talk to you. To apologize. I came bearing gifts of bribery. I’m earlyenough that if I have to strip and dance for you to talk to me, I could do that too before we go to work.”

If her lower lip wasn’t wobbling, he’d think this was a joke.

It wasn’t.

She was upset.

She was here to talk to him.

She barely waited thirty-six hours before she came to talk to him. That was much better than over a decade like last time.

“Come in,” he said. “I might take you up on the dancing when it’s a better time and not one that has so much weight on it. Do you mind if I finish getting dressed? I thought there was a fire in the neighborhood or something this early.” He was bare-chested, his hair wet and water running down his back.

She sighed. “I know. I’m sorry. As I said, I couldn’t wait.”

She was tense and nervous.

He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen her tense and nervous a day in her life.

He leaned down to kiss her. “Relax. It’s going to be fine. I know it. You know it. We need to get this out of the way and go from there.”

The first tear rolled down her cheek. “I don’t deserve you.”

“No,” he said. “You might not. Remember that when you’re riding my ass about the kitchen.”

He was sure she’d have some comment to say about the dishes in the sink. The counters might be sticky too.

He wasn’t feeling himself yesterday.

He grabbed some food and then snacks later on. Old habits crept in and he left a mess.