When the room started to cheer him on, he stood up and leaned down to say, “You might regret you did this.”
“Nah,” she said. She not only wanted to hear his voice again, but she also saw him looking on and watching wistfully. She wondered if he missed it or not.
He got on stage and was flipping around trying to find a song and then when she heard the ballad come on, her jaw dropped.
He started to sing Pat Benatar’s“We Belong.”
His deep smooth voice sent shivers down her spine, her eyes locked on his.
He had the microphone in his hand as if it might have been there his whole life.
“Oh my God,” Chloe said. “You lucky girl. I had no idea he had a voice like that.”
“Oh yeah,” she said with a big sigh.
Her eyes were locked on his again when he got to the chorus. It was like they were the only ones in the room and she was having flashbacks to the Alan Jackson song from many, many years ago.
Her panties were getting wet and she wasn’t sure how long she was going to be able to stay here around everyone.
She was positive they’d understand if she said she wanted to leave.
She didn’t get that chance though when Gabe finished the song and there were a lot of hoots and hollering, clapping too.
“I think the lady who sent me up here needs to have a turn,” he said.
Oh shit. She never expected that.
Elise started to shake her head no, but Royce was busting on her and egging her on.
“Seems only fair in my eyes,” her brother said.
“I’ll go up if anyone goes with me,” she said, looking around the table desperately.
She wasn’t shocked when Raina and Roni both said no rather quickly.
Megan jumped up and grabbed her arm. “I’ll do it. Chloe too. Let’s go.”
She had no way of saying no at that point and neither did her sister-in-law.
They got on stage and there were more men than women cheering them on. She looked at the table of their significantothers who were laughing. She was thrilled not one of them seemed like the jealous type.
Not that she thought anyone would mess with the group of guys at that table.
“This one right here,” Megan said.
She laughed when she saw the songStacy’s Mom. “Maybe we should call it Willow’s Mom.”
Chloe blushed a little and then did a little bow for having fun.
“Guess this song is for me and your brother,” Chloe said.
When the music started and the words came up the three of them did their best to follow along but butchered it more than some of the others that had been up before them.
But they were laughing and having such a good time it didn’t matter.
Looking back, she wasn’t sure she’d ever had this much fun out with a man or a group of people in her life.
Maybe she’d been missing out and didn’t know.