Page 51 of Roommates

‘No, you don’t, Jas. It’s over,’ Zachary says, matter-of-factly, without malice.

‘We were going to get married…’

‘I know. None of us saw it coming. I feel for you, man.’

‘But why would she…’

‘If I knew I’d tell you, brother.’

‘She just moved out. No warning, just…’

‘Yeah. You didn’t deserve that.’

Zachary patiently continues to have a conversation that he knows Jasper probably isn’t going to remember as we carry him into what can only be described as a mansion. It makes Ariella’s massive home look like a cottage. I watch Zachary carefully undress his friend before pulling the covers up over him. He then disappears, only to come back with two glasses of water and four ibuprofen. He sits Jasper up, makes him take two, then leaves the remaining two on the side table with the second glass of water.

Watching Zachary handle Jasper so gently, with such concern, touches me.

‘Thanks, Caleb. Come on,’ he says.

‘He’s lucky he’s got you,’ I tell him.

‘He’s my brother and he’s having a rough time.’ Zachary shrugs as we walk down the seemingly endless drive in front of Jasper’s bloody castle.

‘Your dad doesn’t really want to chuck me out, does he?’

‘Of course he does. You put your hands on his daughter without her permission and are flirting with his wife,’ Zachary delivers, deadpan.

‘I am not.’

‘Yes, you are. But my mother can handle herself.’

When we get back to the house, Zachary extends his palm. ‘Thanks, Caleb. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention this to anyone outside of my family.’

‘Of course.’ I shake his hand and immediately go to find my new friend. She leaps on me as soon as she sees me and demands we leave immediately. Not one to turn down a lady, I escort her outside and jump into a taxi with her. It isn’t until we get to her place that I realise, for the second time that evening, that all I am going to be is a sober companion.

When she drops me off back at Ariella’s the next morning, I find Ariella’s mother in silk pyjamas and a matching dressing gown, in the warm, quiet, sun-bathed kitchen, about to start cooking.

‘Morning, MrsMason, I just came to…’

‘Caleb! Great, come in, I’m making breakfast.’

She walks towards me with that stunning smile and wraps her arms round me. Her hug immediately puts me at ease, making me feel welcome. I instantly want her to like me.

‘You looked like you had a good time last night. We might have to pay for the hole you wore in that dance floor,’ she accuses jokily.

‘I had a pretty fiery dance partner. She made me up my game,’ I say with a laugh, referring to her.

She chuckles as she flicks the kettle on and starts rummaging in the fridge.

‘You shouldn’t be cooking, birthday girl.’ I take off my jacket, remove my tie and move it to my back pocket. ‘Just tell me where everything is.’

‘You want to cook my family breakfast?’

A disbelieving smile plays on her lips. It makes me want to make her all the breakfasts she wants.

‘I’m stepping in so you don’t have to. Tea or coffee?’

‘Coffee please. The Brazilian in the cafetière is fine.’