Page 49 of Roommates

‘What part?’ Daddy asks, making an effort.


‘Liverpool is where the Beatles come from, right? Is it quite a musical city?’ asks my mother.

‘Not really, well not any more. When I was growing up, it was the postcard picture of urban degradation, drugs, racism and crime.’

‘You’ve done well to make it out,’ Daddy says.

‘Thank you, sir.’

‘Is your family still back there?’ Mommy reaches out to pat the back of his hand.

‘They are.’

‘How often do you go back to see them?’ Daddy probes.

‘Never. I don’t go back, ever.’ Caleb delivers this casually, like it is no big deal, but the shock around the breakfast table is palpable. Our family is everything to us. The idea of never seeing each other again is horrifying.

‘How come?’ I ask when I get over his statement.

‘That’s a conversation for another day,’ Mommy immediately cuts in as she picks up her plate and stands up, using his shoulder as an anchor.

‘I’ll do that, MrsMason.’ Caleb jumps up.

‘Dahlia, please,’ my mom instructs him warmly.

Caleb takes the plates from her, rinses them and loads them into the dishwasher. When he is done clearing the crockery, he announces his departure.

‘I can run you to the station if you like,’ Daddy offers generously.

‘Oooh, yes please,’ I jump in.

‘You’re not staying?’ Daddy asks sadly.

‘I’m sorry, I have a bit of work to do before tomorrow. Can I buy you supper in London this week?’

‘How about you cook for me? I’d love to see where you live now.’ Daddy brightens.

‘Deal. Pork belly?’

‘No way is he sneaking off with you to break his diet, Ariella,’ Mommy complains. ‘You can make him a nice salad and some wild salmon.’

‘Awww, Dahlia, just this once.’

‘No. I need you around, baby.’

I catch Caleb smiling at the affectionate exchange.

‘Fine. We’ll go out to eat.’ Daddy sulks.

‘Thank you, and you know I’ll be looking at that receipt,’ says Mommy with a smile.

‘We should’ve had this conversation in the car. Go on, get your stuff.’

I run upstairs, pack quickly, knock on Zachary’s bedroom door to say goodbye to him and Isszy and whizz back down.

As I arrive downstairs Caleb is receiving a standing invitation from Mommy to come back any time. She gives me a kiss on the cheek, while making me promise to call them when I get home.