‘I have a slightly related question.’ I have to ask.
‘Where are all your friends?’ I’ve been curious.
‘We have exactly the same friends and I don’t want to make them choose. Also, the time alone is nice.’
‘So, no plans for tonight?’
‘Aside from running all this to the shelter and doing some laundry, no.’
‘They take food from anyone at the shelter?’
‘No, but I’ve been cooking for them for a while and, whenever I’m cooking at the weekend, I run stuff over to add to whatever they have.’
‘If you pack up everything you’re taking, I’ll help wash up and come with you, if you like?’
‘Thank you! That’d be great!’
We clean up in the kitchen and grab a taxi for the round trip. It was good to see her smiling – aside from a slight lip-wobble after discovering that Jasper had dropped loads of food off just before we got there. When we get back, she thanks me for helping and immediately starts the escape to her room. I see my chance to reach out.
‘Thanks for the itinerary for the bachelor party, by the way.’
‘You’re welcome. You guys will have a great time. Let me know if you want any more help.’
She continues to her room. Can’t she tell I am trying to be nice? I give it one last try.
‘So, have you heard of a show calledThe Sopranos?’
‘I’ve heard of it, but Jas and I didn’t watch much TV.’
‘Want to watch an episode with me? I’ve only just started season one. It’s about the Italian Mafia in New Jersey and New York. It’s violent and there’s a lot of nudity but it’s bloody good.’ I can tell that she appreciates being asked.
‘Will you fill me in on what’s happened so far?’ she asks, approaching the couch.
‘Sure, I’ll catch you up.’
Lara is literally convulsing with delight in the back of the black cab as we head to the shop.
‘Thanks for volunteering to help, but it really isn’t a big deal.’
‘Are you kidding me? It’s not a big deal? This is the first time you’re going to see Jasper after Post-it-Gate.’ She’s bouncing up and down in her seat like an excited child.
‘He has a date, Lara. He’s not going to care.’
‘You aresowrong. He’s about to remember what he passed up.’
‘He didn’t pass anything up. I’m the awful one here.’
‘Trust me, babe. Dahlia wouldn’t have bullied you into bringing a plus one if he wasn’t serious about this new girl. She’s coming to the family dinner. That’s a statement. You don’t want him back, do you?’
‘I don’t know. I still love him.’
‘Then you really should’ve spoken to him, rather than pulling a Houdini.’