Page 35 of Roommates

‘You haven’t told her this whole time?’



‘Because she’s…’

‘Dahlia,’ Lara finishes.

She knew. I didn’t tell my parents, for two reasons. Firstly, they both love Jasper as much as they love Zachary and me, but I knew that they’d immediately take my side, which seemed unfair. Secondly, they’d ask why, and it’s not a question I know the answer to. He wasn’t guilty of any of the usual offences people in relationships commit. Everyone loved him, he looked after me; he was kind, generous, hard-working and dependable. So, telling them was going to be difficult and I’d been putting it off.

Last night, when my mother called while I was waiting for the handyman, my trepidation had unexpectedly become reality.

‘Ariella, why is Jasper bringing someone that isn’t you to my birthday dinner?’

This was typical Mommy. She delivered it like she was asking a mundane question. No small talk, no padding and definitely no initial hellos, when she had something on her mind.

‘Oh, Mommy. I wanted to tell you and Daddy. I just didn’t know how.’ I burst into tears.

Her voice softened. ‘Are you okay?’

‘I don’t know.’

‘I’m sorry, sweetheart. What happened?’

I felt her love reach through the phone and envelop me.


‘Honey, if your father finds out before I get the opportunity to talk him down, things aren’t going to end well for Jasper.’

‘Really, nothing happened, Mommy. I’d been thinking about leaving for a while and, then, I just did it.’

‘You kids didn’t break up?’

‘No, I really just needed some space. I was feeling…’

‘Trapped,’ my mother completed. ‘Did you really leave him nine words on a Post-it?’

I failed to hold back a sob, as fresh tears started to fall.

‘I know I was appalling, Mommy. I just couldn’t find the words.’

‘I knew this would happen, but not like this, Ariella. This is very disappointing. I can’t say that I’m proud of the way you handled this.’

‘What did you just say, Mommy?’

‘I said I’m disappointed.’

‘No, before that.’

‘That I knew it was going to happen?’

‘Did you?’

‘You guys did get together pretty quickly.’

‘No, we didn’t. We waited, and we talked—’