Page 154 of Roommates

‘Okay, good. Now the other foot. You’ll be able to do this during the day, or when there’s no one around to help you.’

He makes me repeat it five times on each foot, then gestures for me to put my feet back on his lap. When his warm hands grip my outer foot, I feel a tug between my legs, and I shift. Caleb shoots me a concerned look.

‘Did that hurt? You okay?’

I manage a breathy ‘Yes’, before asking him to continue. He looks unconvinced, but turns his attention back to my feet. He applies gentle pressure on points that get to the areas of pain, but also other areas that connect to places that have nothing to do with my feet. He is focused and serious, which makes me thankful, because he can’t see how I am reacting to his touch.

‘I need to do some toe stretches, so they may hurt a little, but I’ll make it fun.’

I nod, because anything else will give the way I am feeling away. He holds my left foot.

‘This little piggy went to Norway with Lara…’

I laugh as he manipulates my pinkie toe gently.

‘This little piggy had a date with Piers…’

I scrunch up my face and shake my head in regret, making him smile.

‘This little piggy went to Zambia with clients…’

‘Yay!’ I cheer myself on, and he joins in.

‘Which means, this little piggy is bravely conquering all her little fears!’

He gives me a warm smile that makes me feel proud of myself.

‘And this little piggy cried wee-wee-wee I love Jasper, he’s so amazing and wonderful and perfect, but I need to find myself.’

He laughs and I join him.

‘Is that what I sound like?’

‘Any similarities to any persons living or dead, represented in this arch-relieving exercise, are purely coincidental.’

I relax as he releases my foot. The second he takes hold of the other, I let out a gasp so loud there is no way he didn’t hear it. To cover my tracks, I ask him to please be careful. He raises an eyebrow at me, turns his attention back to my foot and continues.

‘This little piggy likes Caleb’s foot rub…This little piggy likes a little naughty sex…’

I hide my eyes behind my arm and giggle.

‘This little piggy is getting horny…’

He’s noticed. I want to die of embarrassment, so I avoid his eyes.

‘But this little piggy thinks she’ll be compromising her self-respect.’

I sneak a peek at him, but he is still concentrating on my toes. As I am about to look away, he looks right at me to deliver his last line.

‘And this little piggy cried wee-wee-wee, I want you to kiss me, Caleb, but I can’t deal with the eventual guilt that I’ll feel when I see Jasper.’

I am straddling him and my mouth is on his before I can form my next thought.

‘Aari,’ is all Caleb says before he carries me into his bedroom and throws me on his bed.

‘Take off your clothes,’ he instructs.

There is so much desire coursing through me that I do as I am told, removing my vest and leggings. His eyes meet mine and we hold each other’s gaze. He makes me feel confident and powerful.