Page 150 of Roommates

‘Too late for that, I’m afraid…’ Last night comes flooding back and I try to hold myself together.

‘I know that! How about you commit to—Caleb, what’s wrong?’

‘I’m such a shithead, Em.’

‘It’s Ariella, isn’t it?’

Em pulls up a chair and sits opposite me, giving me her full attention. This is one of the things I like about Em. One minute she is ripping the shit out of you, and the next she’s there for you, regardless of how pissed off she is. Tim is a lucky guy.

‘I met up with her friend last night.’

‘Caleb, you didn’t sleep with her friend, did you?’

‘Of course not.’

‘Just asking…old habits et cetera. What happened?’

‘She said Ariella had feelings for me and wanted to launch some counter-attack to remove Jasper from the picture. I said no.’

‘She sounds awful.’

‘She’s actually all right.’

‘Either way, you’re winning morally there.’

‘Not really. She gave me the details of the restaurant where they were having dinner…’

‘Caleb, youdid notspy on Ariella.’

‘I did, and I got plastered. Then they were there when I got home, and I was an absolute arsehole.’

‘Please tell me you didn’t tell him you’d slept together.’ Em has her face in her hands.

‘No, not that it absolves me of anything. I threatened to tell him in front of her and she had to ask me to stop. Twice. I know I behaved deplorably, but I was so angry. She was in my house, looking happy with him, like I didn’t even exist.’

‘Have you apologised?’

‘The way I behaved was so disgusting, an apology isn’t going to come close.’

‘Caleb, when we first spoke about Ariella you were supposed to tell her how you feel. Did you?’


‘You can’t expect her to act on something she doesn’t know.’

‘I need to tell her.’

‘You need to tell her,’ Em repeats, leaning back.

‘How the hell do I do that? I’m not going to be cooking and lighting candles after the crap I just pulled, am I? It won’t surprise me if she’s moved out by the time I get home.’

‘You’re going to have to try. How about I get rid of the kids and invite you both to dinner, along with Lou and Jack, one night? I promised I would, and Lou has some apologies to make. Maybe try to have a nice evening together, so it’s not just you?’

‘Are you kidding? With Lou?’

‘She’s working really hard and could use some forgiveness. Ariella strikes me as someone that would come if you told her Lou wanted to apologise and needs some support.’

‘I don’t like it.’