Page 143 of Roommates

‘Did you pick one?’

‘No. I’ve had enough sexual partners for one lifetime. I’m cooling off. Besides, Jasper and I are talking again. He called me on Sunday morning and we’re going to meet up as friends.’

‘Lucky Jasper.’

I don’t like the way that sounds but I ignore it. ‘Do you think you could be nice to him if I invite him over?’ It isn’t really a question.

‘Sure. He’s your guest. Knock yourself out.’

Caleb makes a show of plumping his pillow and spreading his blanket. I know it’s code for ‘Get lost, Ariella.’

‘Are you still aggravated by what he said at lunch? He didn’t mean it.’

‘Ariella. I need some sleep now.’

‘We should talk about it, Caleb. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable when—’

‘You just got back from getting away from all of this. You’ve been home for an hour and we’re straight into it. Can we give it a couple of days before we dive back into Jasper?’

‘Okay,’ I concede.

‘Thanks. Night.’

‘Goodnight, Caleb.’

He is right. I’ve been back an hour and things are already tense. I leave it and hop into the shower. I stand under it and enjoy the spray washing away the tenseness of the exchange; leaving it there, for the rest of the week.

I can barely walk, with all the nerves in my tummy and the heels Lara put me in, when I arrive at the restaurant. The soles of my feet are still painful from Norway, but Lara was on such a crazy high from taking me shopping that I didn’t argue. Plus, I do like them. I always feel small next to Jasper, and the additional height makes me feel a little more equal to him.

Lara had, according to her, taken pity on me and gone for a short but beautifully tailored black skirt, paired with a black V-neck top, sharply cut wool winter coat and, thankfully, nice thick black tights. The financial pity stopped short when she added the plain black Louboutin heels. I felt like the entire office had eyes on me all day. Thankfully, I left the house in my yoga wear, so I escaped Caleb making fun of me. He did, however, text his feedback around lunchtime.

You look lovely today. Stop walking around like you stole something and are expecting to be caught any minute. It looks awkward AF. Have fun tonight.

Before I left the office, Lara draped a long, thin gold pendant over my head, shoved some plain gold hoops in my ears, and slipped on a couple of chunky gold bangles.

‘You look amazing,’ Jasper says with a smile as I walk towards the table.

All my discomfort disappears and I relax immediately. I’m home, because he’s here. I shake my head and gesture at the simple but pretty distinct outfit. It isn’t too bad, but I still immediately try to justify my appearance to Jasper.

‘Lara made me. Emotional blackmail. Long story. How are you?’

He laughs as I slide into the corner booth and sit at a ninety-degree angle, facing him.

‘Lara made you, did she? What are you, in primary school?’

‘You’d think I’d be over peer pressure by now.’

‘She did a great job. Was she responsible for the dress you wore to Dahlia’s birthday?’

‘Yup.’ I nod, laughing.

‘I’m sending her flowers. That dress was…diverting.’

Tonight is off to a great start. He seems happy, light and playful; which is exactly what I need him to be.

‘You didn’t answer; how are you?’

‘I’m great. Work is busy, but I’m cutting back my hours. Also, it’s Friday night and you’re here. I have nowhere to be tomorrow and I’m a little nervous, but happy we’re doing this. I’ve missed hanging out with you.’