Page 172 of Roommates

‘I think I want you.’

She finally opens her eyes and I don’t doubt it for a second. She’s choosing me. I try to control my anger, but I can’t. The train has already left the station.

‘Youthinkyou want me? I need you to get away from me, Ariella. I can’t look at you right now.’

She escapes to her room and I let her. I should have stuck with Mel. She was brutal, ravenous and demanding, but she came with some serious perks and knew what she wanted, with none of this emotional bullshit. Instead, I am here holding a heart that I don’t particularly care to have in my hands, because some spoilt rich girl I burned it all to the ground for onlythinksshe wants me. I see Mel’s name pop up again on my ringing phone, so I switch it off.

After a hot shower, I spend the rest of the day in my room. At seven, I order some dinner for us to show some civility, and knock gently on her bedroom door when it arrives. No response. I try a couple of times and am met with silence, so I open the door, to find Ariella and some of her stuff gone. I walk quickly to where my phone is charging, turn it on, clear more call and text notifications from Mel and call Lara. I’m adamant, as it rings, that if she is there I don’t want to speak to her.

‘Dick for brains,’ Lara answers cheerily, laughing heartily at her insult.

I know immediately that Ariella isn’t with her. I try anyway, just in case.

‘Hello, Lara. Is Ariella there with you?’

‘Ooooh! Has she taken my advice and is finally clawing back some of the dignity she lost rolling around in the mud with you?’

‘Lara, I just need to know if she’s there.’ I hear my voice crack.

‘Caleb. What did you do?!’

‘What didIdo? Have you talked to your friend lately?’

‘That stupid girl. I told her not to tell you.’

‘You knew? Well, there’s a surprise.’

‘Of course I knew. She’s been self-flagellating since she got home last night. I was all for telling you, so she could rub it in your face and dump you, as part of my whole “pick neither one of those arseholes” agenda. She, however, chose to tell you everything because she wanted to have total honesty, which we both know you’re incapable of. I completely forgot about your superhero-like ability to fuck everything up!’

She laughs to the point where she is struggling to breathe. I quietly hope she suffocates. I am not calling an ambulance. I have no idea where she lives. That’s my excuse. Someone will find her in a few days. Maybe.

‘I don’t know why I was worried!’ She sighs happily, finally gaining control of herself.

‘Have you finished enjoying yourself?’

‘Actually, no. Wait. Is that a tear? This is such an emotional phone call for me…Do you think she might be back at Jasper’s right now? Livin’ la vida horizontal loca?’

Bloody hell, Lara is irritating. I hang up. While I am ruminating over whether or not I should just call her, a text comes through from her.

Hey dipshit. Try her parents. ANY idiot knows that’s probably her most likely location. Oh, and if she isn’t there, can you call me and let me know how they reacted to you losing their daughter? Pleeeaaaassseee…

I weigh up calling Ariella versus calling her parents. I dial the lesser of the two ego-crushing choices. Please let it be Dahlia.

‘Hugh Mason.’


‘Evening, MrMason. It’s Caleb.’

‘Caleb who?’

Hugh Mason knows exactly who I am.

‘Caleb Black? Ariella’s flatmate?’

‘Oh, you. What do you want?’

‘I was just wondering if Ariella is there?’