Page 165 of Roommates

‘Want to go for a walk?’ I suggest after a while.

Caleb looks genuinely elated. ‘I’d love to.’



Thoughts of Ariella invade my thirteen-hour flight to Singapore. Even when I shut my eyes to get some sleep, she’s right there. Yesterday almost didn’t happen. I’d showered, packed my bags and reserved a hotel room near Heathrow. If I hadn’t decided to eat at home, I’d be on this flight, relieved to be going away. Now I have a delicate stomach and an ache in my chest. There is no point pretending that it’s not as bad as it is; I know I am in love with her.

The feelings thing was a bit of a cop-out, but I am glad I blurted that out instead of a massive declaration. I’ll never forget the look on her face when she admitted she’d fallen for me. I wanted to make love to her there and then, but she looked so sad, I couldn’t. I’m not someone you would normally associate with romance, but our walk through London yesterday, holding hands and kissing without a care in the world, felt pretty close to it.

Walking through arrivals in a daze, I feel someone tug the back of my jacket.


I come face to face with Melissa, joyfully glowing, her arms open wide and ready for a hug. I oblige quickly and put on my brightest smile. Crap.

‘Melissa! What are you doing here?’

‘Melissa? That’s a bit formal,’ she said.

She interlaces her arm with mine while I walk alongside her attempting to look happy. I can feel the sweat rolling down my neck and back. What is she doing shouting my name in public places and happily holding hands?

When we get to the car, her driver opens the Bentley’s doors and I barely have my belt on before Mel closes in. Something huge has changed.

We check into our suite, but I have kept my reservation at the Hyatt just in case. I feel nauseous when we are greeted with familiarity by the same butler as last time.

‘Welcome back, MrBlack.’

I have to end it, and quickly. When I do, all this will be gone and, surprisingly, I’m okay with that. My only worry is how it will affect work.

‘I’ve cleared everything so I can spend the week with you,’ she says, and giggles naughtily.

‘Fantastic!’ I walk to the window and stare out over the city.Shit. Shit. Shit.

‘Maybe you could get rid of some of your meetings?’

‘I can’t, Mel, we agreed last time.’

‘We’ll see. Now, tell me – how much have you missed me?’

She wraps her arms round my waist from behind. I feel like I might vomit. I have to tell her, but I don’t. Instead I turn to face her, lift her chin and kiss her chastely.

‘Mel, I’m disgusting, starving and kind of wiped. How about I take a shower and we get some room service?’

She releases me.

‘Sure. We’re going to need all our energy. I’ve been so excited, I almost forgot to get the lawyers to insert another ridiculous clause into the prenup.’

I have to handle this carefully. I spend as long as I can get away with in the shower. When I emerge, room service has arrived, and we eat in bed. When we have almost finished eating, I give an exaggerated yawn and lie on my back. I pretend to fall asleep, but soon afterwards it’s pretence no more.

Mel’s in her dressing gown and glasses in bed, reading the paper, when I wake up.

‘You must’ve been exhausted. It’s eleven and you’ve missed your first two appointments. Lydia cancelled for you. You got the business anyway.’

‘I need to tell you something, Mel,’ I start quietly.

‘You’ve met someone,’ she delivers drily.