“You both did a good job back there.” Jackson sat half-turned in his seat to face them. “Liza, you were amazing holding it together and listening to what you were told.” He treated her to one of his heart stopping smiles that Calliope always talked about but few people got to witness. He then turned his attention to Bellamy. “You, woman, are just badass. You’re definitely old lady material.”
Before she could tell Jackson how much his compliment meant to her, the side door was thrown open. Race, Trick, Preacher and Levi piled inside. Darren hopped into the passenger seat up front. He looked back to check on them and frowned. He pulled something out of the glove box and handed it back to Bellamy. She absently took a package of wet wipes from him and frowned.
“You gotta little,” he made a circular motion around his own face, his way of saying she had something on hers.
“Oh, okay.” She pulled a wipe free and wiped at her face. She pulled the wipe back so she could see it was covered in blood. Oh crap. Liza had seen her like that. She looked down and noticed her clothes were covered in it, too. “Darren, I’m so sorry. I’m going to ruin your cut.” She started to pull it off.
He held up a hand, stopping her. “I’m not worried about it. Keep it until we get back. I can get it cleaned.”
Bellamy wasn’t sure about it but a quick glance at Race told her she was fine.
“Let’s go. I don’t know how fast that shit will work,” Preacher instructed as she slammed the side door closed.
Jackson put the van in gear and made a U-turn in the yard. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the house and the flames starting to lick at the windows. A hugeboom!had glass and logs flying everywhere, some of it hitting the van. The percussion from the explosion rocked the vehicle and knocked anyone walking toward other vehicles to the ground.
“What the fuck did you use to light the fire?” The bright light from the fire reflected inside the vehicle, spotlighting Race’s astounded expression. Actually, they all wore the same look of awe and shock.
“A little too much?” Preacher and Levi shared a mischievous grin.
“A little,” Levi agreed.
“Again, what did you use to light the fire?” Race asked.
“A new accelerant I’ve had for a while and always wanted to use,” Preacher explained.
“Burns hot and fast,” Levi added.
Bellamy laughed at Race’s expression. He didn’t appear to know how to take the two of them. She was used to their antics and thought they acted like two teenage boys having fun with bootleg fireworks.
“Come here, baby girl.” Race lifted Liza from her seat and planted her in his lap so that he could wrap his arms around her. He spoke quietly to her. She had no idea what he was saying but it must have made Liza feel better. He raised his head and smiled bright at her. Her breath caught in her chest. The love he felt for his daughter, for her and for his brothers was clear for anyone who cared to see it.
God, she loved that man.
“Here. Give me those. You missed a spot.” Preacher grabbed the wipes from her hands and proceeded to clean her face.
“I thought you said I missed a spot. I didn’t think you were going to give me a bath,” she said.
“Well, when you tried to clean it up, you just smeared it everywhere. Now,” he used one more wipe and appeared satisfied. “You’re all clean. Well, your face is. The rest of you is going to need a shower.”
“Oh my God. You are such a dork.”
“Levi?” He appeared to consult with his friend.
“Yeah, Bella. You’re kind of a mess. I think you’re the worst one of out of the bunch.”
Darren looked over his shoulder and grinned while Jackson smiled at her in the rearview mirror. Race and Trick shared a smile. They even pulled one from Liza.
She shook her head, laughing to herself and smiling. How could she be surrounded by such alpha men who most people would consider bad guys or criminals and feel nothing but loved and protected? Sure, they might be forced to take a life, but they also lived by a code. As long as you didn’t fuck with them, they wouldn’t fuck with you.
She turned her gaze to Race. He mouthed “I love you” and she thought her heart might burst. “Love you, too” she mouthed back.
* * *
Damn,it felt good to be home.
Race was beyond tired. Between the rush of rage at finding his woman and daughter being held in a cage by a son of a bitch human trafficker to the resulting shoot out to getting Bellamy in to see her grandmother at the hospital so she could see for herself that Martha was good and then picking up Derek and Shannon on their way home, he was looking forward to some time to relax and unwind. Today had been a hell of a day and he was looking forward to falling into bed and holding Bellamy tight.
He followed his family through the garage door into the kitchen. Everyone was tired and ready to hit the sack. A lightness settled over him having everyone he loved under one roof again.