Page 80 of Race or Ruin

“I’m sure you know by now that I have your woman and a beautiful young lady who says she’s your daughter.”

“Touch either of them and you’ll die. Slowly. Painfully.” It was no idle threat. It didn’t matter if anything happened to either Bellamy or Liza, Jacob was a dead man regardless.

“Now, now. No need for threats.” His voice dropped as all pretense of civility disappeared. “I’ve got what you want and you’ve got what I want.”

“So we’re going to make a trade and that’s the end of it?” Race doubted that would be the end of it. He’d known and dealt with men like Jacob. They thought they were infallible, untouchable because they had money and connections. He imagined the man thought he was going to get Kurtis back, keep Bellamy and Liza, possibly killing them or selling them, and killing as many Sons as he could manage. He’d have a hard on for Race for sure.

“Sure. What you said. I want you to bring me Kurtis Black. I will call you in one hour with the location where we will make the exchange. If you fail to bring him to me I will be forced to remind you how I make my money. Understand?”

Yes. How could he possibly forget the fucker was a human trafficker? “Yeah, I get it. I want to talk to them.”

“I want to talk to Kurtis first.”

“He’s not right here. He’s at a different location.” Panic stuttered his heart for a moment. Shit. Was this going to get his girls hurt?

“Then sorry. You can’t talk to your ladies either.” He paused, then added, “I hope I find Kurtis in the same condition I’ve kept your ladies. And Race, if he’s dead, you can forget ever seeing your loved ones again. One hour.” The line went dead when he disconnected.

“What the fuck are we going to do about Kurtis? He’s in fucking Mexico. We can’t get him here in an hour,” Jed said what was on everyone’s minds. They were fucked.

“We got anyone with a similar build that could pass as Kurtis at a distance?” Chris ventured. They all eyed each other, sizing them up to see if any could fit the bill.

“I can do it,” Preacher volunteered.

“What?” Jackson’s surprise matched everyone’s at the table.

“No. I’ll do it,” Levi growled from behind Preacher.

Preacher half-turned in his chair. “You can’t do it. You’re built nothing like Kurtis. You’re too broad in the chest. I can do it. I’m a little taller, but it won’t matter. You can put a bag over my head and I can walk hunkered over like I’m in pain.” When they all just continued to look at him, he frowned and went on. “There is no way you would have held Kurtis this long and not beaten the shit out of him on numerous occasions. Two of you can help carry me in. That gets two, plus Race and me immediately on the inside.”

“I’m going in,” Levi stood with his arms crossed over his chest, frowning at Preacher’s plan.

“No. You can’t.” Race shut him down. He held up his hand, warding off the argument he could see coming. “I get where you’re coming from. You want to have your boss’s back. From the way things sound, Jacob has been watching our club for a while and knows who’s who. He’ll know immediately you’re not one of us. He’ll assume you’re a hired gun. We can’t take the chance that he might shoot one of the girls. I hope you believe me when I say this, but Preacher is important to Bellamy, so he’s important to me. We’ll keep him safe.”

Levi exchanged a look with Preacher, seemed satisfied with what he heard and nodded his head in agreement. “I’m going with you to breach from outside.”

“Glad to have you.” Race nodded his head.

Dagger scratched at his scruffy jawline. “This plan could work.”

“Damn right it can work,” Preacher pushed. It had to. There was no other alternative as far as he could see.

Race nodded his head and leaned forward. “Okay. We have one hour to get a plan together. One hour to plan the death and complete destruction of Jacob Jacobson once and for all. None of us here want to ever deal with this shit again.”

For the next hour, ideas were thrown out, accepted or rejected until they had as solid of a rescue plan as they could come up with in the allotted amount of time. Now they had to wait for Jacob’s call to tell them where to meet.


“Jacob, we can’t keep Race’s daughter. Lawrence and Andrew were only supposed to take the bitch. She’s the one that stands between me and Race.” Charlotte stood with her arms crossed beneath her breasts, her frown marring an otherwise flawless makeup job.

Bellamy snorted. “Yeah, like I’m all that stands between you two. You’re just like the crazy lady inFatal Attraction.”

“You bitch!” Charlotte started to lunge for the cage only to come up short when Jacob managed to grab her elbow and pull her back. His tight grip was sure to leave bruises.

“Don’t mistake my cooperation to take this woman from Race as only a favor to you. I want her, too. He took something of mine and now I have something of his. Having his daughter along for the ride is just icing on the cake. More incentive to get me what I want.” Although he wore a smile, it didn’t reach his eyes. Bellamy couldn’t believe Charlotte couldn’t see how dangerous the man was.

When Jacob had mentioned the name Kurtis Black during his phone conversation with Race it sounded so familiar, but she couldn’t remember where she’d heard it. Where had she heard that name? She jerked and her body froze as it hit her. He was the man who tried to take Lindsey from Trick. He’d grown up with her and had harbored feelings for her since they were teenagers in high school. He’d been into human trafficking. Oh shit!

Jacob released his tight grip on Charlotte’s arm and moved closer to the cage. He stood with his hands shoved into his pants pockets again. “Do you know what I do for a living?” When Bellamy didn’t immediately reply, he told her, “I sell people to other people willing to pay top dollar for them.”